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in addition to the lower thread i would like to say that at least where I do it the conditiong is easily equaliy as hard as the mt conditioning. and that from technique anyone in my dojo could easily take kicks or anything else from a mt guy.

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I have heard more stories and seen more videos than I can remember about WC guys fighting othr stlyes...If everyone is so misguided please point me in the direction of all the WC guys winning fights...because all of the ones i have seen are of them getting beaten down..
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yeah i looked at some videos and noticed that all of the wc practiotioners are really standing wrong and blocking off in a very bad way. to my opion those videos are fakes. i recommend u look at a wc dojo which has a good reputation and hopefully, u will think like me. oh yeah btw, sorry for the upper post didnt want to offent u :(

Be everything. Be nothing.

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In terms of video's and facts, Wing Chun Guys usually get pretty beaten up, in any sort of tournament where different styles are involved. I have seen wrestlers break arms, I have seen Karate guys Punch the wind out of them, I have seen Muy Thai guys just mess them up. But those are video's and competition facts


However I hardly think a true Wing Chun Practictioner would waste there time and energy showcasing their skills in tournaments, well as far as I know. Many great chinese practitioners in general, I know don't participate in tournaments or competitions, since they have nothing to prove. They think, as well as I, that all styles are beutiful and unique in themselves. There is no need to glorify one art from another.

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"yeah thats cause u only watch websites like b|_|llsh1do.com where truck driving americans post their not so high knowledge conserning martial arts. no offence taken to you but lots of people are missguided buy such stupid websites."


Truck driving American here. Your broad generalizations are no different than Bullshido's, only they have some proof backing them up.


"Many great chinese practitioners in general, I know don't participate in tournaments or competitions, since they have nothing to prove. They think, as well as I, that all styles are beutiful and unique in themselves. There is no need to glorify one art from another."


The whole "we have nothing to prove" angle...


Not testing against other styles fosters poor technique and complacency, as well as freezing up when someone outside of your system does decide to attack you.


Stylistically, MT vs WC is a very poor matchup. Presuming both fighters are of equal conditioning, I would put the MT fighter over nine out of ten times. MT is devastatingly simple, and RING PROVEN.


If a WC fighter attempted trapping the MT fighter, he would be in a clinch nightmare.


Stay outside, and you WILL eat some leg kicks.

Trainwreck Tiemeyer

wishes he was R. Lee Ermey.

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well, if you trapping correctly, you'll end up on your opponent's outside so a clinch isn't really possible for the mt guy. if he's smart though, he'd go for a spinning elbow (on being pushed) to regain the centre (and to face the wc guy).


but then again, thai fighters aren't the best boxers and this is where the wc guy might gain an advantage. note i said MIGHT. first the wc guy has to get past them legs and avoid the elbows coming his way.


i'm sure you've seen how a wc guy aims to hit the head repeatedly. ALL he has to do is get into his own comfortable range...


i'm a wing chun guy and have recently taken to some local san shou kickboxing classes.


i don't come close to being anything i would call good but i know what i can or cannot use.


(i have managed to do a under-bridge trap once though... gloves really hinder movement)


if you, as a person who does not practice wing chun, knows that trying to trap a thai boxer is a bad idea, i'm sure the average wing chun guy would've figured that out a long time ago.


you just can't say who is better ot who will win.


think about it, if a wing chun guy is even seriously thing about going against a thai guy, in a ring environment, he would definitely train for it.


if you just use words and examples of situations, anyone from any style can name a movement that will win that situation.

post count is directly related to how much free time you have, not how intelligent you are.

"When you have to kill a man it costs nothing to be polite."

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