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well remove all of the non essential from the matrix and what do you get?


maybe ten lines of psuedo philosphy.


i could be wrong.


maybe i huddled them into the comic nerd catagory far too quickly.


maybe they are just bad messengers.

post count is directly related to how much free time you have, not how intelligent you are.

"When you have to kill a man it costs nothing to be polite."

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The first Matrix is much deaper than you think Drunken Monkey. It's about the material world vs. the non-material world. Which is more important? The tangible or non-tangible. Fantasy or reality, truth or lies. Help! I'm drowning!

"It is easier to find men who will volunteer to die, than to find those who

are willing to endure pain with patience."

"Lock em out or Knock em out"

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I am starting to sound like a freak about the Matrix- I dont have posters or anything......having said that- Treebranch is right, that is another layer to the movie. I enjoyed the 1st Matrix more than the 2nd.


Hey Treebranch, "Lima Lama" is not a style you come across very often-was your instructor by chance a man named Sam Koylou? (Not sure of that last name spelling)

"The more we change, the more we stay the same"

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No it wasn't. The instructors name is Gilbert Garcia.

"It is easier to find men who will volunteer to die, than to find those who

are willing to endure pain with patience."

"Lock em out or Knock em out"

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The Matrix's selling point with the teenage audience is for the most part, the 'cool factor' - i.e, the slow motion fight scenes, et cetera. How it got the acclaim it received, however - special effects aside - was the philosophy that indeed has a large place within both films. More than a mere ten lines of pseudo philosophy. The philosophy also has strong religious overtones/reflection - the brothers who created the films are Christian, though I could be wrong.


In any case, they're big anime fans, and anime is never light when it comes to matters of philosophy. They took inspiration from some of the 'slick' techno-ish animes and placed what symbolism and concepts they wanted into the film. And, of course, ticket sales-wise, there's that 'cool factor' ;). The fact that there's a 'cool factor' doesn't necessarily make the film shallow, however. Just like an 'uncool' film can easily be as deep as a 2d sprite.

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but you all seemed to be able to cite the philosophical questions in less than ten lines...


in essence there was only one question:


"what is real?"


a cynic's point of view would be that this isn't even a philosphical question but more of a plot device.


it is the reason they can have the fight scenes.


it is the reason they can have powers.


it is the reason they can get their hands on masses of firearms.

post count is directly related to how much free time you have, not how intelligent you are.

"When you have to kill a man it costs nothing to be polite."

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Just saw Kill Bill for the 1st time lastnight. I don't like Quentin Tarantino films ( hated Pulp Fiction), and I hate all of the excessive gore. But he makes no bones about the fact that he made it deliberately over the top, and for everyone to get a life and not take it seriously.


With that being said, I did enjoy it, although the movie could be much shorter without all of the excessive killing scenes. Ironically, the passage of time always occurred with the black screen that simply said: ":13 hours later..." or "4 years later". I did like all of the names, characters, camera angles. I don't like Tarantino, because he ALWAYS acts like the dweebie movie store clerk that he was/is. Like, "Gosh, I'm so clever!" :uhoh:


I did like the sword fighting - very accurate as far as I can tell with some of the techniques. I just wonder what the whole Bill thing and Bride thing were about - Bill's child?! Why was the Bride getting married in Texas? Who was she marying? Who were the others in the bridal party? It was pretty funny in places though. I'm glad that the cell phone lady won't have to worry about being on the phone too much anymore - LOL. And I don't never liked Lucy Liu either, although she did do well in the movie.


Last point: why do all MA movies anymore ALWAYS use wires?! Can't we some honest-to-goodness genuine MA, instead of all of this wire choreography? If I see one more person suddenly fly through the air...

"The glory is not in never falling, but rising every time we fall."

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I'm not sure if you're aware or not, but it's considered rude to give away as much of the movie as you did without giving some kind of fair warning. Something like what I have below in order to give someone a chance to skip the section they don't want to necessarily read.


























Blah blah blah.





























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I'm not sure if you're aware or not, but it's considered rude to give away as much of the movie as you did without giving some kind of fair warning. Something like what I have below in order to give someone a chance to skip the section they don't want to necessarily read.


:bawling: GOI!

"The glory is not in never falling, but rising every time we fall."

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its okay evil betty, now you know for next time.


Umm....you all most excuse master pain- i mean betty, its 12 o'clock, and time for his nap.

"i could dance like that!.......if i felt like it...." -Master Betty

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