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Akima, Fragbot, and TJS you are all brilliant. I feel a certain kinship with you.


HANDS it is! But remember the situation rules!! Kiai!!


I guess the lesson is never let Tradition dictate how you should act in a reel fight.

Peace, Love, Harmony

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  shazaam said:
Akima, Fragbot, and TJS you are all brilliant. I feel a certain kinship with you.


HANDS it is! But remember the situation rules!! Kiai!!


The age old question applies: what's better? Reverse punch or bong sao?


Kicks are best when your opponent is still at a distance, before he comes in close enough for you to use your hands. (most "real" fights start when you're already too close to get a good kick though). Knees are good in a clinch.


Otherwise, hands are usually better.

Currently: Kickboxing and variants.

Previously: Karate (Seido, Shotokan, Seidokan), Ju Jitsu, Judo, Aikido, Fencing.

Remember guys, you need to give a REASON for your opinion, not just saying "hands" or "feet" and leaving it at that. If the majority of the posts on this thread become like that, I'll have to close the thread since it breaks the Comparative Styles Guidelines.

1st dan & Asst. Instructor TKD 2000-2003

No matter the tune...if you can rock it, rock it hard.


Well, it takes one step to get inside the punching range from the kicking range and unload. If you're not used to dealing with hands, you're gonna get hammered I think.


In grappling, I think hands are way more effective since it's hard to kick from mount, etc. but knees are awesome from inside someone's guard and side control.


i'm going to be annoying and say that it depends on what and how you have trained.


if you ask the wing chun guy he WILL say hands because that is what he has spent thousands of hours practicing.


if you ask the tkd guy he WILL say kicks because that is what he has spent thousands of hours practicing.


both parties will also tell you that it depends on what is happening. after all, wing chun people can kick and tkd people can punch.

post count is directly related to how much free time you have, not how intelligent you are.

"When you have to kill a man it costs nothing to be polite."


"Which is superior? Striking with the hands or striking with the feet?"


Like others have already stated, it depends on ythe situation, but there are general rules that apply.


Hands are faster than kicks..period! You can throw 2-4 hand techniques for every foot technique generally. Also, they are more versatile and can do more things than feet can.


However, feet have more potential striking/knockdown power. Knocking a person out with one punch, despite claims to the contrary, isn't real easy to do, unless you're Mike Tyson! lol Whereas a good kick to the torso or head (We never head kick in this system) can take the person out of the fight immediately.


I hope that helps? :D

My nightly prayer..."Please, just let me win that PowerBall Jackpot just once. I'll prove to you that it won't change me!"

balance is good, but if it ends up on the ground hands.

"Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to go to his class." Choi, Hong Hi ITF Founder

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