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Hello everyone,


I've been reading this board now for a few weeks. Okay here is my story.


When I was younger ( around 7 ) I used to take Karate ( don't know style ). Really enjoyed it but I was also very active in many other sports. Therefore I had to give something up, and I gave up MA's. Now I'm 19 years old and in college. My college has a Karate class so I jump to try to get in. The classes are only once a week for two hours, i wish it were more. Thing about it is I'm not in the same kind of condition that I was when I was a child. I'm currently 5'9 and 210lbs. Durring High School I lifted weights for football so naturally my legs are pretty big. My max benchpress was 300lbs. I only stated that to let you know alittle bit about my body. Now comes the embarassing part. I somewhat of a gut ( you know the kind that sticks out and you don't want to show anyone hehe .) Now my question is what is a good way for me to get in shape?


I eat only 3 meals a day and maybe a snack. I never hardly eat after 7pm. Right now karate is my only exercise besides when I go play tennis with my girlfriend ( we play maybe 2 hours a day 4 days a week ). I thought that would make me loose some weight but no hope.


Also another question what would be a good weight for me to get down to ( 5'9 210lbs )?


I'm acually really into MA's again and I'm currently looking for a nearby school.


Oh this is my first post to so please don't be that hard on me. heheh


Thanks, Seth

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Hiya, Seth :)


Rick E gave sound advice.


When I started MA, I was also overwieght. MA actually got me into good shape. But when I started eating too much pizza, fried food, Burger King, ect I actually gained some of the weight back :( So don't eat this stuff ;)


Stick with broiled (not fried food), fresh chicken breast (without the skin), cut the fat off of your meat as much as possible, eat more veggies and fruit. And watch your portions.


Most men can't do this (which I can understand), but I no longer eat red meat. I dropped 10 pounds without even trying (and I ate a lot of red meat within a week).


As far as your ideal weight, that depends on your body type. You may gain weight at first with MA, because you will be building muscle. But yet, you'll loose fat. Muscle weights more than fat, so don't get discouraged if you don't see weight coming off.


I can help you with the hunt for a school. PM me your location, and I'll look for you :)


P.S. I won't be hard on you about your first post ;) But I'll move this to "Getting started in MA."

Laurie F

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I don't drink alchohol or smoke =). I do admit I do drink alot of soda ( says my girlfriend ). I also eat alot of red meat like steak, hamburgers, ribs ect....


Could you be alittle more specific on what I should eat? because I don't really eat anything but for meat. Do I need to watch my carbs or anything. I've never kept'd an eye on that kinda stuff but if I need to I will.


Is it okay to drink Diet Soda.. or should I cut away from it completely?


- Karatekid1975 - I live in Wheelersburg, Ohio... Maybe you could find one in Portsmouth, Ohio I don't mind traveling to there. Thats where I go to college.




Well if I left anything out just tell me I will be checking this often. Also if you want you can send me a PM thru AIM .... name is " SteinhauerSC03 "

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Yea I can be more specific :) Like Rick E said, cut out the soda. Drink bottled water instead. When you work out, drink a sports drink, like Gatoraide or something similar.


A lot of red meat can have lots of fat. Try eating veggies with your red meat. Like salad (lettuce tomatoes, cucumbers .... it can be fun building a salad ;) ) or mixed veggies. Try to cut back on your portions of meat. Better yet, make your own burgers with lean meat. Ribs are VERY fattening. You can usually eat lean steak (cut the fat off), and don't eat a piece no bigger than your fist. Chicken wings .... fattening.


Better yet, here is a link that has different types of diets on it for different folks. Look up a diet that may fit your body type http://www.dolfzine.com/altpage03.htm This might help better than I can :)


I'll have to do a search for your location, as far as schools go. I'll Post my results in a while ;)

Laurie F

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Here's two places:


Stone's American Karate in Portsmouth, OH (9 miles)


Damron's Karate Studio Ironton, OH (about 18 miles)


Not much to choose from :( I think your best bet is look in the phone book, and search the YMCA's. Usually the YMCA's MA programs don't advertise. At least the ones around my area don't.

Laurie F

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Warning: This is kind of long...




Does your college offer elective courses in nutrition and exercise science?


If they do, I would recommend that you think about taking a few credits of those classes.


You wanted to know what is a good way for you to get in shape.


How intense are the tennis matches that you are playing with your girlfriend? Do they keep your heartrate elevated so you are receiving an areobic benefit? How long have you been playing tennis with her?


How much extra time do you have that you could use to train?


Did you enjoy weight training and do you have access to the facilities?




I agree with Rick E and karatekid 1975, nutrition may be one of the biggest things that help you.


I had a similar build to you (5'9", 205, muscular with a gut, when not exercising 5 month's ago), and here are a few things that have helped me:


--Drink lots of water. I cut out all the sodas and limited my cofee, and now carry a water bottle with me everywhere. I often refill the bottled water containers a few times before buying a new one (saves some money).


--Try to eat 5-6 small meals a day. This helps your body regulate your blood sugar levels and can help to keep your metabolism running at a more effectient rate.


--Try to eat lean meat sources. Like karatekid said, those ribs are really fatty. Lean steak and lean ground beef can be good choices, but do not forget chicken and fish. Some fish like salmon contain fats that are actually good for you.


--Take a multivitamin once a day.


--Karatekid already said it, but vegetables can be your friend. Give them a chance, you may actually end up liking them :P


--Make improving body composition (% body fat) your goal, more than loosing weight. One inexpensive way to track this is to weight yourself everymorning, and then meassure your waist. Remember, you may not loose weight, but that does not mean you are not loosing body fat.


--Keep a journal and write down realistic goals (long-term then short-term) for yourself. Then you can track over time how you are doing.


--Look at the long term. Most of us want results now, but six months is not really that far away. Small incrimental changes are more healthy for your body then large immediate changes, and the changes that happen over time are the ones that will stay with you.


Five months into my program, I have lost 20 pounds and 4 inches from my waist. However, some weeks I do not see any progress on the scale or the tape meassure. Just keep up the work and know that you are making yourself a healthier, stronger person.


I hope this helps you. You are on the right path, just try to have patience with your body.



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" Does your college offer elective courses in nutrition and exercise science? " - They probably do but I don't have the time to take the them.


" How intense are the tennis matches " - The tennis matchs can get pretty intence. I enjoy the game so naturally I work hard at it and make every attempt that I can to hit it back. So I'm running aroudn the court yes and my heartrate is elevated I would think. ( never paid attention to my heartbeat rate hehe )


- We have been playing tennis since about beginning of June


" How much extra time " - I have probably a hour or so a day to train maybe longer on somedays.


" do you enjoy weight training " - Yes I enjoy weight lifting but I don't have a person to spot me all the time and I don't really want to get anymore bulk then I am. I'm pretty stong I just want to get slimmed down to where you can see more definition of my muscles ( ABS, Pecktorials, traps ect.. ) I do have access to weight lifting rooms ( a quite good one at that ).


-You guys are saying try veggies. I love veggies ( corn, greenbeans, Brocolioe hehe and almost all of them). I normally eat a salad and a good amount of veggies a day.


"Take a multivitamin once a day" - what kind of multivitamin


I'm going to go out this weekend and try to find me a good cheap pair of running shoes so I can start running. There is this 8 mile jogging course everyone runs. Do you think if I Jog as long as I can then stop get my wind and start again would be to much for me? stoping each time I'm winded but continue to walk




thanks Seth

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What type of multivitamin? If you already have a pretty balanced diet, I do not think it really matters. If you look on the back at the vitamin content, most of them are about the same with some differences in the amount of trace minerals that they provide. I would buy a generic that was not that expensive.


You may want to consider lifting weights twice a week 40 or 50 minutes each time to maintain the muscle and strength you currently possess. It would not be enough stress for additional muscle gain, but it will help you to keep from loosing what you have.


Sorry about the veggie comment. For some reason I thought you only ate meat. :) I think I misread your original message.


Good luck.

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