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Your Best Sparing Combos

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I like to throw a Right Side kick as I slide my base foot closer (shortening the gap between myself and my opponent), then, without dropping the leg I kicked with, throw a round house kick (continuing to slide forward) then follow-up with a jab-jab,cross, right hook, left bodyblow.


Its also fun to bull rush them and start pounding thier bodies with punches

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  • 2 months later...

simple combos can be very effective... if you get mad just striking can be effective. thats what i saw in finnish open junior jujutsu competitions.


Brown belt Jujutsuka versus yellow belt jujutsuka.


The yellow belt jujutsuka throwed a roundhouse kick on the brown belters tummy, in a second you could see the brown belters rage he hit six times


on yellow belters tummy. and the yellow belter fell on his *. Match over we had a winner.

What hurts you but doesn't kill you, makes you stronger.

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  • 1 year later...

outside cresent kick, stradle stance, jab-reverse, round kick, hammer, lunge punch, jump round kick. (add blocks if your opponent focuses and strikes back) :karate:

First courage, second power, and then technique.

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What color belts are you guys??? I'm a yellow belt going to a orange belt. I estimated that in February 2007, I'll get my black belt. :) My class is very disipline, but I advance faster because I sweat more than the others and I work more hours. Like 4 hours a day. :)

First courage, second power, and then technique.

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  • 2 weeks later...

TSD: fake low with a right legged ap chagi (front kick), punch to the head. Or go for the abdomen w/ a left front, then a turning back kick w/ the right.

"They look up, without realizing they're standing in the palm of your hand"

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  • 2 weeks later...

i like to jump spin backkick, to reverse punch. it works reallty good in my school because im the only person that can do that kick, i fonud it works best when their either trying to kick me in the head or overcommiting an attack and they run into it.

i also like ridgehand to the head, followed by a reverse punch to the body and a sweep to end

and i like backfist to the head, follewed by a punch to the body and groin kick to finish

"Live life easy and peacefully, but when it is time to fight become ferocious."

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  • 2 weeks later...

mines are usually pretty simple.. left leg fwd

lead leg sweep, fake jab (don't pull back completely to guard ur chest), full step in with another sweep to the front foot, and back fist to the head

quick lean/fake to the right, swing back right leg out so u're at 45 deg, lunge fwd round kick w/ lead leg to their calf muscle, round kick with other leg to their abs, followed by a punch, punch, etc

this is really cheap but it works... drop ur chambered hand all of a sudden, then jump in with a jab to the face and an elbow or punch to the gut

its not much but i hope it helps

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here are some i use often and have worked well

Jab, Reverse punch, Front kick, Back kick

Jab, Reverse punch, spinning back fist

Front kick, Round house, spinning heel kick

"Bushido is realized in the presence of death"

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