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How to deal with the kids class troublemaker?

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If you've ever taught kids you know who i'm talking about... Theres always one kid that just drives you up the wall. In my class, there is one in particular that will not sit still, runs around, ridicules other kids, hits, etc..... In the past he was managable, but ever since his parents got divorced, he's turned into the antichrist. I've tried to sit him down and separate him from the class when he's bad but I cant do that for the for the whole hour.... Any suggestions? should i pay more attention? less?
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Every time he acts like an idiot, give him pushups.

If you can't laugh at yourself, there's no point. No point in what, you might ask? there's just no point.

Many people seem to take Karate to get a Black Belt, rather than getting a Black Belt to learn Karate.

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OrenJuMok, I'm having the same problem, except there are two of them ....... eeeekkkkkk. I can't seem to "punish" the one. He loves the attention no matter what it is ..... sheesh. The head instructor of the kids class tried separating him, or sending him to the Master instructor's class, but he drove him nuts LOL.

Laurie F

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Ban them from class for a week.


While they are still in the class, the others cannot learn as effectively.


If it continues, tell them not to come back.


Better to send one away than to have 5 or 6 quit because of the trouble kid...

Keep Smiling!

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Every time the kid acts up, warn him to be good. If he still isn't, play a fun game at the end of class for the kids who were good...a game that you know he enjoys. Then, don't let him play. Tell him that if he had been good, he would get to play.


After a few nights of rewarding the good kids (you'll want to mix it up, not just the same game every night), he'll come around, hopefully. Make sure that when he does, you allow him to join in on the game!


You may want to talk to his parents before you do this...some parents tend to freak out if their child gets special treatment, even if they deserve it. I say "some parents" because I know a few who understood that their children were monsters, and didn't mind the discipline.


If all else fails, remember that kids need to have good attitudes before they can be promoted to the next belt.


Above all, make sure you stay patient with him. It doesn't look good for you if you start screaming at the kid, or disciplining him out of anger. Discipline with love :)

1st dan & Asst. Instructor TKD 2000-2003

No matter the tune...if you can rock it, rock it hard.

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Is he after attention? By rewarding those who pay attention and follow instructions with more attention and verbal rewards, he may be more inclined to follow. If you get ANY good behaviour from him, even small things, make sure you reward it.


Failing that, martial arts are too dangerous to have such a wild card in the club, so I agree with Valithor - if he still plays up ban him for a week, and then for good if he doesn't improve.

Currently: Kickboxing and variants.

Previously: Karate (Seido, Shotokan, Seidokan), Ju Jitsu, Judo, Aikido, Fencing.

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  • 2 weeks later...
There is one kid like that in my form. He´s 10 year old but very childish. We always get to do push-ups cause of him. Once he got angry at the sensei and bagan throwing punches at him. The sensei just laughed and banned him from the dojo for a week. Now he´s a little bit calmer.
Shukokai Karate, Orange belt ( 7. kyu)
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