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I don't think its a Martial Arts weapon, but...


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What are everybody's opinions about a blackjack/billy club? I was looking at some swords the other day (I'm a big collector) at a Flea Market and noticed that they also had these weapons for sale. I asked to see them and the guy said if you hit them with one of the blackjack's, that no matter where it hit they would either fall in pain or immobilize the limb temporarily.


I'm pretty sure its not a martial arts weapons, but what do you think about it? I also don't know the specifics about it. I know its made of lead, but I don't know how serious it can be. I'm guessing it could easily knock someone out, but could it kill in one hit? Also, what is the legality of this weapon? I live in the U.S. (Maryland to be exact), and I don't know if they are illegal or not.

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My guess is that in Maryland they are not only illegal, but REALLY illegal. Maryland is really restrictive on weapons.


A sap/blackjack is a nasty weapon, and is extremely effective -- ask a cop from the old school and they'll tell you that a blackjack could put someone down in a hurry.


Of course, their effectiveness is one of the reasons it is so restricted today. It is really easy to put the hurt on someone with it.


A shot to the right part of the head could probably kill someone. More likely, you hit them so hard that they crack their head open on the pavement when they fall.




has some good info on the sap and blackjack. great site.

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Well, seeing as how saps and blackjacks were designed to knock people out without causing them serious harm (by striking them in the back of the head) I'm not sure that they are that deadly.


If a boxer can punch another boxer's lights out and accidently kill him in the process, then a sap constucted out of led and leather can do the same. All it takes is one good shot to the head to cause all kinds of trauma.


Mind of Mencia

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I guess, though a cross and a sap (used the way it was intended to be used anyway) are used very differently. Usually with a sap you want to hit the person on the back/top of the head (ideally from behind) around the "soft spot."


I suppose you could belt a person across the face with a sap, that's not really what it's for. Kind of like how a nightstick can be a very lethal weapon - if you shove it down someone's throat instead of hitting them with it like you're supposed to. :P

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