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Proud moments in your martial arts career?

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What are your proudest moments in your martial arts career?


I've got a couple to start with:


In my University Karate club we were working on the side thrust kick. This was a big club with plenty of Dan grades but I was a measly 4th Kyu. The instructor (Professor Stephen Chan, 6th Dan Seidokan) stopped the class, walked over and asked me to show my kicks again. After I did, he turned round to the watching class and said "Look, textbook kicks". I felt very chuffed to be singled out in the presence of so many higher grades.


The second was last night - I've just started last week at a Ju Jitsu club, and was working in a pair with a kicking shield. The instructor knew I'd done some Karate & Kickboxing before, and wanted to see if my kicks were up to standard. I did a front thrust kick on the shield held by my partner - and sent him flying more than six feet back through the air. It was a very satisfying moment! The instructor looked a little gobsmacked but just said "um, good power!". :D (It's 17 years since I first started doing front kicks, so they should really be good now though)

Currently: Kickboxing and variants.

Previously: Karate (Seido, Shotokan, Seidokan), Ju Jitsu, Judo, Aikido, Fencing.

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One of my proudest moments was watching my 11 y.o. son get his blue belt. He worked very hard on it and practiced every night at home for weeks for the belt test. Then, when he got it, I was prouder for him than I've ever been for anything I have done.
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my proudest moments include:


testing for my first new belt(yellow)


winning my first trophy(in forms, it was 1st place)


going to nationals and winning 2nd in sparring.


also, getting on the STORM team was a proud moment. but the proudest moments happened to me definately at nationals..or when an instructor from another school told my instructor how good i was and how respectful and willing to help. i think i was proud then becuase she was proud though.

Tae Kwon Do

15-years old


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I'm not sure about mine because I've not been doing karate for long, but I've worked damn hard on my kicks to get them quite powerful and I can't help but be chuffed when someone passes a positive comment on them.


For me its usually stupid things that make me feel proud. I'm really shy so every week I get totally nervous when I even think about going to karate, yet I just tell myself to stop being a wimp and make myself go, and even though I sometimes feel physically sick with nerves before class starts, I always survive and I'm pleased with myself afterwards.


I'm also proud that after going to the same club for a year I've finally managed to build up enough confidence to actually talk to people sometimes. Admittedly, I usually just hide in the corner staring at my feet, but sometimes I actually strike up a conversation with someone. See, I'm possibly the biggest wimp to walk the planet. Sometimes I wonder how I manage to get out of bed every morning and get on with my day. :roll:

Smile. It makes people wonder what you've been up to.

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Getting my 4th gup was the first. I missed my 4th gup test twice. This time I got it :D


After doing so, I was invited to be on the demo team. I always wanted to do something like that. I was siked!


Today, I was hired at my dojang. This is also something I always wanted to do (work at a martial arts school).


I'm starting to think that my 4th gup gave me good luck :)

Laurie F

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I did a come back to martial art 2 years a go and on my first tournement I have won a 3rd place in kata and I had just practing for a month and a half so it kind of give me the boost to keep doing tournement.then last new years eve I had to defend my self in a street fight when I was working (bus driver).sometime you train for years with out to fight for real and thank god for that but sometime you are face with the moment of truth and it fell good to came out on top.

I don't train for belt color I train to survive on the street

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i have a lot, one is when i catch experiance martial artist with moves they say will never work in sparring or tournaments(i guess by them training in MA so long they do not know what to do in a position like that so they lie and say it will never work.). Like spinning back sweeps, spinning air kicks, and pro wrestling moves.

falcon kick!!!

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I'm a white belt and been trining for about 1 1/2 month, but still have went red on one occasion. I was doing 3-steps with someone, and one of the senior black belts walked all the way from the other side of the dojo to congrajulate me on haw advanced I was. Doesn't seem like much, but it made me proud. :)

Tang Soo Do/Tae Kwon Do

....Oh yeah, and unofficially...


"There are five possible operations for any army. If you can fight, fight; if you cannot fight, defend; if you cannot defend, flee; if you cannot flee, surrender; if you cannot surrender, die." ~ Sima Yi

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