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Music while training?

Original rocky music, or eye of the tiger  

20 members have voted

  1. 1. Original rocky music, or eye of the tiger

    • Original Rocky song
    • Eye of the tiger

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Since I'm not officially in a martial arts class because I'm poor, I really can't offially vote... but... When I train, I use both, but I train better with music. It gets me in a, well, "mad" mood and the beat basically flows through my body. Whereas if I didn't have music playing I'd focus on how much punching this or that will hurt or something. So, yay for music.


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I think music is really good while training but ONLY when your doing circuit training because it builds determination, i dont agree when your sparring or practicing katas because it makes martials arts seem cheap, i mean u never saw the shoalin monks training with music :lol:

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For some, less-technical stuff we listen to music. Like shadow boxing, punching/kicking drills, footwork drills, etc.
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I listen to the following when I train or work out:




Marilyn Manson










Black Sabbath


Guns N' Roses




And some others, but thats what usualy is coming out of my speekers


I tend to slap on music like that when training at home. Practising kata's with Iron Maiden and the like in the background - top quality!!


We don't have music on in my dojo when doing karate training, but we might have some on when we do a fitness/stamina session. Unfortunately, most of the music our sensei tortures us to is utter &*£^%" and should have never been made, let alone released on the unsuspecting public.


Remixes of a bad remix, anyone??

"Was it really worth it? Only time and death may ever tell..." The Beautiful South - The Rose of My Cologne

Sheffield Steelers!

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