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I am ready to enter my first belt exam. I am about to have a yellow belt.


I am asked to perform:


Taikyoku Shodan, Nidan, Sandan, Yondan ,Godan and Heian Shodan.


Also a number of other kihon.


What do you suggest todo in an exam?


YELLOW BELT Shotokan Karate Ka 5th Kyu


Karate is for Self Defense not Offense

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Take your time , do not rush thru the KATAs it is not a race.


Breath and kiai properly.


These are thwo biggest things I see when people test thru the KYU 's

"If you don't want to get hit while sparring , join the cardio class"

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As kempo said, don't rush through your katas. Proper technique and breathing is more important than speed for now. It might sound funny but try not to think too much, your body already knows what to do, so just let it. Relax and enjoy what you are doing. Good Luck! :karate:

"If your hand goes forth withhold your temper"

"If your temper goes forth withold your hand"

-Gichin Funakoshi

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As kempo said, don't rush through your katas. Proper technique and breathing is more important than speed for now. It might sound funny but try not to think too much, your body already knows what to do, so just let it. Relax and enjoy what you are doing. Good Luck! :karate:


Yes, actually try to slow the katas down, as with the adrenaline you will be moving faster than you think anyway. Also, lots of deep breathing! good luck!

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Me too, am a yellow tip. on sunday there is a grading stuff i have to perform that kata too help me my first grading yellow belt on sunday am a kenshukai karate member I live in purly Help i forgot the location for the grading some sort of school can u get me a map soon thanks


i hope me and u get yellow belt ok bye

I am still training however, having dabbled in Shotokan and Shotokai Karate. I am please to report that Kenshukai is one of the strongest and most disciplined styles ( i did not write this)

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Oh sorry i though you were from England.


I done a mistake i put thailand as location actually its suppose to be england but nationality is thai hahah

I am still training however, having dabbled in Shotokan and Shotokai Karate. I am please to report that Kenshukai is one of the strongest and most disciplined styles ( i did not write this)

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Thanks for all the tips people . I have my exam tomorrow. But my breathing is a little lousy so tips with breathing? :kaioken:


And Practise is the key, good name but pay a little more attention to the signature


YELLOW BELT Shotokan Karate Ka 5th Kyu


Karate is for Self Defense not Offense

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