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How does a student have to eran a rank

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to move up a grade you have to demonstrate good etiquette (mannors) and disipline to all other and also demonstrate a understanding and improvement in techniques, kata and set kumite, only fighting later on.


the foundations are laid on the begining of the learning process and it is build upon ie more combinations and kata's and knowledge.



oliver willison

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To move up a kyu grade in the organisation I'm with, you have to demonstrate kihon (basics), kumite and kata. There are set tasks that you have to do for each belt, getting progressively 'harder' as you move up through the coloured belts. You also have to demonstrate speed, power, awareness etc through your techniques.


For 1st dan black belt you have to demonstrate basics, from basic and from freestyle stances. Plus, you have to do combinations of techniques, some combinations you know in advance, others you don't. You also have to spar jyu-ippon kumite with two or three opponents (it's usually 3) and spar freestyle for 3 minutes with 2 opponents and spar freestyle for 5 minutes with a higher dan grade (usually a 3rd dan or above). You have to perform one set kata (Bassai-Dai), one kata chosen by yourself (I did Empi!) and up to 5 other kata from a set list. The examiners can also ask you to perform any Heian kata. You also have to give explanation for each kata you perform, if required. :karate:

Edited by aefibird

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similar to our for first dan but we have to do about five katas and three/four set combinations which are similar to kata's.


also the kihon in basics and freestyle. using hand and legs in combinations from one part to ten parts made up on the spot from the cheif instructor.


also kumite, five step, three step, one step ippon, and advanced ippon (minimum three counders)


also controlled punching to body and faces.


then confirm it in six months time


as you progress to second and third dan there is nore technique and knowleged behind the techniques as everything becomes more advanced and more complicated kata's.



oliver willison

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  • 3 weeks later...

-Form (your current one & a previous one)


-Sparring (demonstrate an ability that matches your current level)


-Wood breaking (with a move matching your current level)


-Various Combinations


-Decision-sparring (where you are specifically given a situation to defend-counter)


-Terminology (instructor calls out moves in rapid succession & you must match them)


-And general improvement from your last exam.


I think that's it, our testing has changed since I last took my exam, so I'm a little confused on it.

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I like my students to have a good understanding of the techniques they are performing. Call me crazy, but I think that performance improves with a better understanding of the techniques. If they don't understand what they're doing then they aren't ready to move on.

A block is a strike is a lock is a throw.

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