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Grappling arts vs Striking Arts

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Sooo frustrating to watch UFC, Pride and K1 matches when a striker is put up against a grappler! :kaioken: We alwayz get our butts kicked :x ... Ive come to a conclusion that strikers will never ever beat a grappler. So what do you guys think? :-? Are we basically skrewed when it comes time to fight against a grappler? :bawling:


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I don't think there are too many professional fighters in mma (i.e. UFC, Pride, K-1, etc) that would be classified as strictly strikers or strictly grapplers. Anymore they all seem to have exposure and proficiency in both. They may have a dominant style, but even that sometimes comes into question. Since most of the fights they know their opponents in advance, it seems to me they do just like boxers and train to the opponent (i.e. utilizing their strengths vs their opponents weaknesses). I may be off my mark, but that's how I perceive it these days.
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it always good to be a well rounded fighter but you got to keep in mine that street fighting it often the result of self defense ,often a non matial artist attaking a martial artist so at that point grappler or striker don'T make any difference you got to get out of there.Plus if I am a grappler on the street would I go on the ground on a one on one attack? Maybe but if it a multiple opponents attack I would try to stay up and alive.what is going on in a ring is not always the same thing on the street.Do you train for the ring or to protect your self or your family in tine you need it?

I don't train for belt color I train to survive on the street

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Grapplers have the advantage because it's alot easier to close the distance and achieve a clinch/takedown than it is to keep distanstance and KO someone beofre they get to you.


Plenty of "strikers" win nowdays because they learn to grapple, or atleast leanr to avoid takedowns/submissions and get up.


Pedro Rizzo, Mirko Cro Cop, Liddell, Silva, are a few examples.

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Bleh. MMA is not an accurate indication of real fighting in my opinion. This topic has been done to death though. The rules in MMA favour grapplers.


No, Standups for inactivity and short rounds definetly do not favor a grappler.

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Bleh. MMA is not an accurate indication of real fighting in my opinion. This topic has been done to death though. The rules in MMA favour grapplers.


No, Standups for inactivity and short rounds definetly do not favor a grappler.


Relatively soft flooring and a number of strikes being prohibited (which ones specifically depends on the event in question) definately does, however.

Paladin - A holy beat down in the name of God!

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Wrong again, Soft floors favor a striker since the better grappler will dictate positioning in most cases, are you one of those people who think that a striker has a better chance of out grappling a grappler and ending up on top?


I dont give me the "oh if you get knocked down it helps you" because if they are a halfway decent grappler they know how to break fall and it's not a sever issue.


There are a few techniques that favor grapplers such as the removal of the "downward" elbow in the UFC. but thats still 3 vs 1 in favor of the "striker"


Besides in the early days when there were hardly any rules it became obvious that Grapplers have the advantage. It almost comical that people still try and deny it to this day instead adressing the weakness like most.

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