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When you test for Black Belt.....


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When we test for our Black Belts we have the Head Master of our Association, because he lives in my city. We also have the high ranking Sensei's of the Areas, my Sensei being one of them. He is a 5th Dan and it goes all the way up to 8th Dan. There are also other black belts watching you too. The 5 head guys sit at a head table and mark you. Its kinda intimidating :D

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In our organization, only 4th Dan Master and above are allowed to judge, and we/they wear suits and ties as judges, not that that is particularly important.


Anyway, at our regional testing, the head of our Organization is present, along with his VP, and whatever area judges are able to attend. Sometimes there are 5-6 judges, and sometimes there can over 10. For really big testings we can have amost 40 judges present from 4th Dan to 6th Dan and the Founder who is 9th Dan.


Other regions (Grand Rapids, Tennessee) will have their own testings, with Organization Masters and the Head coming in to judge for them.

My opinion-Welcome to it.

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In Wado, we tested in front of our sensei and the senior dan grades. In Shotokan, it was usually at a camp. In Aikido it was under the sensei and his senior dans. In Naginata Do, just the sensei. In TKD, before a panel of senior dans. In Seibukan, at the last class wit Shimabukuro sensei this summer in Okinawa, he handed me a certificate. I didn't know I was testing!

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

My Black Belt test last June we had 24 Black Belts on the testing board.


The highest rank was 9th degree, my intructors(6th degree) instructor


there was at least 4 others all above 6th degree.


Then we had some black belts from a few other styles there.


I kind of liked that, because even though they didnt know the curriculum, they had a different point of view by seeing how we moved, and looking at our efforts from fresh eyes so to speak.


that day there was 8 of us testing.


5 1st degrees


1 for 2nd degree


2 for 4th degree


We are having our next Black Belt Tests in 3 weeks, I am obviously not testing fo rmy next belt, but we have 4 peopel testing for their next belts.


2 for 1st black, and 2 for 2nd black.


From what I am told there will be approximately 30 black belts on the testing board.

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I like the idea of having black belts from other styles there. I think it would help to keep the testing fair. Plus, they might be able to spot things that the other blackbelts might not necessarily see.

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I find it interesting that so many systems seems to "need" numerous blackbelts, even the head of the system, present to test someone for a black belt. Why? don't they trust the sensei to do a good job, or do they have to make sure the sensei is turning out good students? To me, I would take that as an insult to my teaching abilities, training curriculum and opinion that the student has reached that certain level and is ready to wear the next belt.


Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that is a bad thing, but in our system, we feel that a students sensei has promoted them up through the ranks by themselves (usually) wkth no help from the head master or other high ranking black belts...so why can't he also promote the student to a black belt without help?


We are a very small system compared to most, and the next nearest sensei (outside of my own students that are in my class) practicing this particular system are in Seattle, WA or Minnesota. This makes it very difficult to have other sensei present if I want to test a student, regardless of rank. Our association has faith in me that I know what I'm doing, and if I feel a student deserves a promotion to the next level, whether it be a yellow belt, or a 2nd Dan (the highest I can promote someone), I just do it, and need no permission from anyone to do so. Even if there was another sensei of this system locally, I am under no obligation to invite them to witness a promotion in my dojo.


I have had the opportunity to witness many testings in many different systems, including the system that I practice with other sensei, and I would take any one of my students and belt for belt, say that they are at least as good, and usually considerably better in the quality of their training and techniques than the majority of the students testing for the equalivant belts in other systems. I demand a certain amount of quality from my students, and either I get it, or they don't get promoted.


Like I said, multiple testors is fine I guess, I just would, as an instructor, feel that my teaching is put into question and under scrutiny if I can't be trusted to test and promote my own people to the next belt, regardless of what color that belt might be.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, the only reason that the head of the organisation is there for dan grade testings in my karate organisation is because he's there for every kyu grade testing as well. In the FSK we don't test under our own instructor - we have regional gradings with a panel of instructors from within the FSK. Its supposed to be fairer than a sensei just promoting people when he or she feels like it, although, if we did switch to the 'own sensei promotes students' approach in the FSk we probably wouldn't have anyone that does that anyway, because all the club instructors are good teachers and would only promote students on the basis of merit anyway.


Cor, that was a bit long winded. :D


I see your point,though, Shorinryu Sensei. It would be unfair on you and on your students if you had to get in Sensei Joe Bloggs 7th Dan, every time you wanted to promote a student. Instructors of your calibre and experience have the knowledge to be able to promote their own students without the need for an outsider to be checking up on what your doing.


However, at least with having other instructors there it reduces any chance by less-than-worthy club instructors to promote their students simply because they've turned up regularly and on time (or whatever).


Plus, some organisations really go in for having stylish get-togethers and having a big ceremonious occasion for dan grades suits some styles and organisations. I'm sure that in certain organisations the students would feel cheated if there wern't at least 4 or 5 sensei's present at their dan grading! lol

"Was it really worth it? Only time and death may ever tell..." The Beautiful South - The Rose of My Cologne

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Testing is slightly different than promotion.


BB testing can be conducted by a master with the Grandmaster's approval. However, in the U.S., they usually wait for the GM to come around for seminar to conduct the testing. (Except in Houston, where they have quarterly testing, since he lives there). Promotion to BB and above MUST be done by Kuk Sa Nim.


At the testing in Houston, there's usually a pannel of about 10 BBs, lead by one master, for the under-BBs testing for BB.


For the BBs testing for advanced BB levels, it's usually a panell of 4 or so masters, lead by a senior master.

Kuk Sool Won - 4th dan

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