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bee stings

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The crazyest thing happened today! I went to go get my friend's bike in the garage because he rents out space at my house and when he pulled the tarp off and these bees came after me really really fast! I tried to hit them but my left hand got beat up bad by them. They stung me 13 times all together and I was running mad fast. I called my mom who is a nurse at the hospital and she said that she was calling an ambulence. I went with them and my Blood pressure was outta control. I mean I'm in great shape and I run 4 miles everyday and I work out and this was outta control. I'm 17 and 6 foot even and 140 pounds and my blood pressure is supposed to be about110 over about 65 and it was 165 over 116. I got everything taken care of and I went home. It was scarry but I'm over it. Have you ever been stung? Are you allergic?
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Uhh once when I was a little kid a bee landed on my leg and I tottaly freaked but I remember my mom and dad telling me to act like a tree and not move LOL so i just sat there, so the frickin bee crawled up my pants almost to the top and then I said ok I GOTTA GET THIS OUT before it gets to the very top so I started wacking my pants and I LUCKILY only got stung on my inner thigh. LOL kinda funny when I think about it now
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