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Ever had to use your MA in a real sreet fight


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I've used my various Martial arts in several fights. In a town full of wanna-be gangsters, people feel they have alot to proove, and beeing the big guy i am, i tend to get in alot of fights(though not as many as some)


as i've mentioned befor, my most recent fight was in the Gym Lockeroom. it was very sad. Someone threw a pair of boxers over the lockers and i threw them back. i didn't intend for them to land on this guys head, but they did. so he comes around talking about how he's gonna whoop me, etc.


then he asks for my momeny, and i say "no, whats mine is mine" (i realise now that this next part was a dumb move) and he saiys" fine, well then tomorow better bring your Fing boxing gloves".




the fight went like this, he camer up from the side while i was changing, punches me in the eye out of no where ( i was off gaurd cause i was changing you see, and he was using a combination lock as a fistload) then pulls my shirt over my head so i can't fight back. I manage to get his arm in a lock and throw him down.


byt this time i got my shirt off and a teacher came and broke it up. the owrst part was seeing my freinds talk about how we're gonna "goo whoop his *ss" when i really didn't care.


i lived to fight another day and i learned from that mistake, i hold no grudge.


another time there was this big fight going down after school between the "punks" and the "goths" (usually i stay out of these trendy people polotics, but on this occasion a few of my really close freinds where involved) So i went to make sure none of my pals got ganged up on and got some serious damage done. if it looked like they where fine i wouldn't jump in, but unfortunetyl, such was not the case.


2 guys atacked my freinds, one of which had a knife, my freind managed to stop the guy with the knife with a punch to the wrist. then he picked up the knife and used it to keep distance between them. the other guy came up behind him and put on a Yolk hold (a very cowardly tactic)


so i came over and did a technique on the uy who was now punching my helpless freind. basically i taped him on the shoulder so he'd turn around and atack, then i shot out past his arm and put in an elbow lock and stuck my fingers into the pressure point between his Jaw hinges.


after he was down i realised i was no longer neded and the police where comming, so we left.

If in your journey you encounter God, God will be cut

~Hatori Hanso (sonny chiba)

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I'am bus driver from Canada and just before new year 2003 i had a fight in my bus. the guy started to punch me on the head while i was still driving. When i got up i started to punch himi was abble to grab him by the head but at one point he seemed stonger than me so i had to take him to the ground where i took the adventage again that why i belive in mixing martial arts even if you only do a little of ground defence or a little of striking it always good to mixte.

I don't train for belt color I train to survive on the street

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Yes, I won.

"It is easier to find men who will volunteer to die, than to find those who

are willing to endure pain with patience."

"Lock em out or Knock em out"

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That is the most gangster story I have ever heard alan. You hide for three days! That makes you a G my friend. You hunted him down like Snake from Medal Gear Solid then you beat him up and then you turned into GTA Vice City and hide!
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Why is it the other guy's fault when the girlfriend cheats? It's certainly not the most noble thing for him to be doing, but he's not the one with the emotional ties. I say drop her and let her enjoy whatever holes she digs for herself in the future... she isn't worth the energy.

1st Dan Hapkido

Colored belts in Kempo and Jujitsu

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Ok there was this one time and I was pushed to the point were I had no chance but to fight. It was aginst one of my best friends Big Josh. It was 2 years ago when we were both 15 TALE OF THE TAPE




6 foot 3


15 years old


195 pounds


black belt in shotokan,Varsity wrestling team




5 foot 9.5


113 pounds


15 years old


Black belt in shotokan,2 years of BJJ Varsity wrestling team


No one though I had a chance but the fight went down because he was talking stuff about me and I was talking stuff about him and we grappled for about 5 minutes before I made him tap. Now I'm just over 6 foot and hes 6 foot 5 240.

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Why is it the other guy's fault when the girlfriend cheats? It's certainly not the most noble thing for him to be doing, but he's not the one with the emotional ties. I say drop her and let her enjoy whatever holes she digs for herself in the future... she isn't worth the energy.


It is a guy's responsibility to find out before fooling around with a girl. They are both equally guilty. However, instead of beating the guy up (which changes nothing) or leaving the girl, (which also changes nothing) you might instead consider locking them in a dungeon. This would effectively prevent it from ever happening again, as well as teaching them both a valuable lesson.

Paladin - A holy beat down in the name of God!

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Thats a good idea Warp!!!


In answer to your question, no i havnt had to use my martial arts in a real fight. I am pretty tall for my age so the people that think they are tough guys try to push me or whatever but they usually settle down when i look like i will fight back.

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That is the most gangster story I have ever heard alan. You hide for three days! That makes you a G my friend. You hunted him down like Snake from Medal Gear Solid then you beat him up and then you turned into GTA Vice City and hide!


I never said I was PROUD of it, I was merely answering the question posed by this thread. BTW, what is a "G" and a "GTA"? Anyway, I was 19 years old. That was 15 years ago! I have changed A LOT since then. I also said that when she did it again, I had learned my lesson; and walked away. I am now married to someone else whom I love, and I have 2 boys (6 and 3) that are my pride and joy.


We ALL have things in our past that we've done that we probably shouldn't have done. Just try to tell me you've been a perfect angel your whole life. The experiences we have in life shape our personalities in every way. It is a part of my past. It does, however, make a great conversational piece. Can you tell me you didn't enjoy reading it?

The patch or crest worn by Isshinryu karateka often raises admiration and curiosity. The patch is based on a day dream Tatsuo Shimabuku had in the fifties while he was creating his karate style. This dream was the missing piece in the puzzle called Isshinryu. The patch is often incorrectly called Mizu Gami, which means 'water goddess'. Originally the Isshinryu emblem was called 'Isshinryu No Megami', which means 'Goddess of Isshinryu'. The goddess is the Goddess of Isshinryu karate and not the goddess of water.

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Why is it the other guy's fault when the girlfriend cheats? It's certainly not the most noble thing for him to be doing, but he's not the one with the emotional ties. I say drop her and let her enjoy whatever holes she digs for herself in the future... she isn't worth the energy.


Again, it was 15 years ago. I did leave her after the second time she did it, and haven't seen her since. I know it wasn't his "fault," but I did have a conversation with him about her and him being only friends. I told him I'd kill him if I ever found out that anything more had ever happened, and I always do what I say I'm going to do.


I am a different man today. Even if my wife cheated on me, I wouldn't go after the guy.

The patch or crest worn by Isshinryu karateka often raises admiration and curiosity. The patch is based on a day dream Tatsuo Shimabuku had in the fifties while he was creating his karate style. This dream was the missing piece in the puzzle called Isshinryu. The patch is often incorrectly called Mizu Gami, which means 'water goddess'. Originally the Isshinryu emblem was called 'Isshinryu No Megami', which means 'Goddess of Isshinryu'. The goddess is the Goddess of Isshinryu karate and not the goddess of water.

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