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Lights Off

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The other night I was in class and my instructor was helping one of the students with their kata. She would heisitate while doing kata and she will be messed and cannot concentrate. So my instructor turned off the lights and told her to do that kata, she did a little better. While the lights were out my instructor had an idea. He laid some objects in the floor so we could get use to moving around in the dark and we practiced some sparring. I was wondering, if there are some other exercises that we could do to help us use our other senses instead of sight. Anyone have any ideas? And does anyone have any ideas on how my friend could smooth their kata out. She knows the movements, but she stops and thinks about it and looses the pace.


P.S. how do I change my little sign off to the side to brown belt

Be like water my friend...you can flow or you can crash.

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The lights out trick is good. Our instructor just has us close our eyes, which is even better (in my opinion) because it also affects your balance. Other than that, practice, practice, practice. Once she has the moves down pat and more importantly the confidence in herself that she has the moves down, she'll become more fluid.
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BTW, the color of the belts is based on your posts in this forum, not what you wear in your school. If you read the FAQ's I think it tells you how many posts to reach each belt level.
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We normally blindfold one person, and 3 of us sound him, making sure to make small amount of sound with the feet, and move in for strikes. We also spar in dim light, for the same reason.


lol, man, ldmc, lights out and stuff on the floor. Soundsl ike fun, but that is a law sue waiting to happen!

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Doing forms in the dark is fun. My TSD instructor made us do that, or close our eyes. It definitely helps with balance ;)


As for your friend, it just takes practice. I have brain farts when I first learn forms. But the more I do them, the better it is.

Laurie F

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Your friend might benefit from a technique called "visualization". It is very simple, all she has to do is take a few minutes everyday and in her mind see herself as if she is an observer, looking at herself doing the kata, what is the key, is that she sees herself doing it perfectly. Have her try this for a couple of weeks, it should help. It has worked for me in kata, sparring, self defense and even in pistol competitions.

A Black Belt is just a white belt that don't know when to quit!

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