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defense against a push

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are pushes considered physical attacks?


Yes. And they can do dammage or set you up for other attacks. I'd take a push seriously, though how seriously is a judgement call in each situation.

how do you defend against a push?


Depends on the push and the situation. One hand or two? From which direction is the push comeing? Most styles have several defenses against pushes. My thought is to learn yours and practice them under a variety of conditions. Set yourself so you can't move laterally, then so you can't move back. Varry the height and angle of attack. Work the attack to intercept before the push makes contact, then work it under full force. You'll find out that every situation, especially the full force which made contact, will require some modifications to your basic techniques.

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Take the force of the push and go with it into your stanceso you'r not off balance and trap both hands against your chest.


do any technique that counters a double lapel grab, or, trap just their palms and bend down at the knees to break wrists.


another idea would be try to get two hands between their and push them to the sides, leaving the entire front of their body as an open target. this requires a little more thought however.

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There are a few defenses that come to mind...


1. If telepathed push comes, move into target with a double knife hand block followed by headbutt to the bridge of the nose. Should end there...


2. Step side of attacker, follow with ridge hand chop to the throat


3. If the guys drunk and you really don't wanna hurt him you can grab and twist his wrist for a takedown.


Krav-Maga, Tai Chi Chu an, Karate, Aikido, Hapkido, Taekwon Do, Judo

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Can you see it coming? Front kick to groin or front kick to jaw or solar plexus. maybe kick to knee. roundhouse to ribs. I don't know whatevere you fewel like doing. the possibilities are almost limitless.

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if someone lunged at me i would probably sidstep and use there own momentum against them to push them off balance and then nail them with a fast combo.

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A push with one hand is the ideal opening for a One-armed shoulder throw.


Also since you can decide how hard to slam the throw and you can go into finishing strikes and armbars from the post-throw position, IMO it is an excellent option. A throw is a variable response to a variable threat.

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Any kind of attack is an attack. Don't underestimate a push. Usually it's a set up for something else so don't be there.

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i think the most important thing about countering a push is foot work. step in, step out, step back, whatever, just move out of the way. in my school, all the counters result in a jointlock or a throw.

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battousai16 very well put. I think to many people forget the importance of footwork or bodywork as I like to say, because you're using your whole body as one.

"It is easier to find men who will volunteer to die, than to find those who

are willing to endure pain with patience."

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