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Superhuman Powers

Black Dragon

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um, no, anti-matter is nothing like a plasma.


by definition it is "anti" matter.

I never said that it was. I said that it can be contained in the same way as hot plasma. Because hot plasma is so hot, it cannot be held in any container made from matter. Similarly, anti-matter cannot be contained in anything made from matter.

even in a controlled magnetic field as produced in a tokamak generator (which is also quite huge...) is made up of normal matter. generally, a tokamak generator is used to harness the energies released from the annahilation, not to contain the anti-matter. unless of course you are talking about Star Trek here...


in case you missed it, my arguments against anti-matter weapons are as follows.


either you have a particale accelerator (huge) and a power generator (also huge)


or a tokamak type generator (huge)


oh, and no way of "shooting" your weapon

You can make a tokamak any size, and you can use it to contain anti-matter if you like. To discharge the weapon you could fire a small, RTG powered Tokamak containing a pellet of anti-matter. Alternatively you could annihilate the anti-matter and use the energy produced to launch a projectile at near relativistic velocities. Alternatively, you could use that same energy to stimulate a compressed gas causing it to emit coherent light waves at great intensity, like a super-high powered laser.

Paladin - A holy beat down in the name of God!

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it cannot be contained in the same way as hot plasma.


in a tokamak, a field is set up that suspends the plasma.


you can't do the same with anti matter because the field is made of matter. further more, the field is produced by a combination of currents form external coils and currents from the plasma intself.


you cannot measure what happens in anti-matter so you would have no idea what currents occur.


once again.




and do you know how much energy you put in to actually do this?


that is, to power your power station, to power your particle accelerator and tokamak field generator.


if you're going to use a laser anyway, you might as well pump that energy in tehre in the forst place. at least then it makes sense and it would work.

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"When you have to kill a man it costs nothing to be polite."

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Actually, assuming your antimatter was made of some ferrous material, a magnetic field generated by the tokamak could easily suspend it in a vacuum. Anti-matter is exactly the same as matter in every way, except in the way that it reacts with non-anti-matter. ("regular" matter) Tokamaks do not suspend plasmas using matter, they use a magnetic field to suspend it in vacuum, because a hot plasma is so hot it would melt any material known to mankind, not to mention the extreme polarization of hot plasmas. Hot plasmas cannot be allowed to contact other matter, and a tokamak does this job. It will do the same for anti-matter.


Also, the amount of energy required is irrelevant. The sun provides more energy than I will ever use, and it's energy is easily harnessed.


Also, just to nitpick, power stations don't need to be powered, for obvious reasons.

Paladin - A holy beat down in the name of God!

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so power stations just turn themselves on???


wow, do you think all them scientists know that they don't require power???


and it sounds like to me you have no idea what you are talking about. making small particle accelerators? small tokamaks (fields maybe, generators no) and you have no consideratipon as to where/how you will power these things.


like i say, the field in a tokamak depends on currents from the plasma and from the coils outside of the field chamber. also, a plasma is nothing more than a cloud of charged particles.


assuming that your anti-matter is also in particle-cloud form, you would then need to have it suspended in a PERFECT vacuum. the last time i checked this is a near impossibilty.


tell me how you would determine the currents in the anti-matter.


and how you would introduce the field into the partical accelerator EXACTLY at the point of collision.


and how you would prevent any other particle from entering the field (which would ruin the field, hence causing annihilation).


how would you get a perfect vacuum


ok, let's assume you can extract a useful amount of anti matter and suspend it.


how would you make a weapon out of it?


contain it in a mini tokamak? how? the moment any other field interferes the internal field is disrupted (annihilation).


i should add here that i am now assuming that you can produce the field and project it to where you want it and that you can move this field around as neccessary AND be able to track the anti-matter as it is fired.


you mentioned using the energy from annihilation as propellent for a missle/projectile but you are talking about having something that can contain the energy and re-direct it.


as for the sun as energy source...


easily harnessed but not very efficient.


once again, i'd like to hear HOW you would do this.


it's all well and good saying that you can do it easily. anyone can say things like that. i'm going to say that i am able to intercept everything kind of attack you throw at me and defend with my left hand standing on one leg. it's easy. i just put my arm in the way. once i have intercepted your attack, i can hit you with my right hand.

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"When you have to kill a man it costs nothing to be polite."

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oooh, this may take some time...


generally, anti-matter is matter made up of anti-particles...


probably doesn't help but that's the simplest answer. it's a physics thing. just like electrons, protons, quarks, leptons, strings, super strings, charm etc etc exist, so do anti-particles.


their usefulness comes from the fact that when matter and anti-matter meet, they annihilate each other releasing the total energy contained with them (as opposed to very little chemical or nucler energy that we do today using conventional methods)


as such, very few anti-matter particles exist in our universe which leads to it being very stable. however a few particles of anti-matter have been made (well, the maths show they are there) in a particle accelerator.


and this is where the main argument against anti-matter weapons comes from. to create even a single atom of anti-matter you need millions of times more energy released by it's annihilation.


it's like why use a stick to hit a ball that might miss you when i can hit you with the stick.

post count is directly related to how much free time you have, not how intelligent you are.

"When you have to kill a man it costs nothing to be polite."

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