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Superhuman Powers

Black Dragon

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my original idea was just as credibal as yours is. and yes, something turning a planet around and not leaving a dent is possible. it just has to be done by the hand of


Your original proposal was an asinine misinterrpitation of the big bang theory. Every planet in our solar system has crators in it.

uh, somebody's lied to you. or you just didnt understand what they were saying. they call it a black hole because its a hole.


No ones lied to me, and Transcendence just proved my point

quick question, if nothing can be created, how did EVERYTHING get here. it had to be created somehow


Considering we can't observe that point in time, there isn't any way to create an inference to relate to the origin of matter in the universe(As there is stll being research done in the big bang, anyway), with our modern understanding of science

and how old are you?
Belive it or not, I'm sixteen. However, I'm able to form a coherant thought. Edited by Cybren
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um, a black hole is black because it's gravity is so gret that (nearly) nothing can escape, hence not even light (as cybren said, it is bent backwards). it is not a hole (so no hole into another universe fantasies for you young man...)


aside note:


are you aware that if you do the maths as presented in the bible and other religious texts, the earth is only about 4000 years old...


anyway, i don't really care what you believe.


what i don't like here is a blatant ignorance of the science that he doesn't believe.


that probably doesn't sound right. the point is, if he understood it and doesn't believe, then that's his choice BUT at least find out the details because right now, you are just talking crap. the thing that you do not believe isn't even what you are talking about.


it's like me saying that i don't believe in god because god can't cook (or, in terms we can all understand, i think wing chun is crap because it doesn't teach hand skills...).


you can only discuss a subject if you KNOW the subject.

post count is directly related to how much free time you have, not how intelligent you are.

"When you have to kill a man it costs nothing to be polite."

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"why, it's a hole in space of course!!!"


"um, what IS space...?"


"absolutely nothing sir!"


"sooooo, it's a hole in nothing?"



post count is directly related to how much free time you have, not how intelligent you are.

"When you have to kill a man it costs nothing to be polite."

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People need to stop expecting the scientific method to answer metaphysical questions, and need to stop applying metaphysics to scientific observations. An idea or belief, vis-a-vis God or religion, does not override what we see with our eyes. Electromagnetic residue from the Big Bang has been observed, and Einstein's special relativity establishes that time is relative to an observer. Events that allegedly happened in the past can be observed, when you look into the night sky you are looking into the "past", you are looking at those stars as they appeared anywhere from four years to a hundred thousand years and more in the past. The sun as we see it is the sun eight minutes ago.


That brings up another argument against creationists, particularly the young Earth branch. The stars are hundreds of thousands of years old when we see them, so that invalidates the belief the Earth is 4-6 thousand years old. Although I've seen people argue that God created the light "in transit" from a star to Earth, but that idea is just silly. If you're going to challenge the contentions of science, you must provide evidence that supports your contentions rather than just questioning the evidence that science has so far provided.

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like i say, find out about what you are talking about before tapping them keys....

post count is directly related to how much free time you have, not how intelligent you are.

"When you have to kill a man it costs nothing to be polite."

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lol, exactly what is it a hole in. u seem to think u know this subject better than anybody else in the world.......


its people like you that make teenagers look so bad.. u dont know exactly what goes on with a black hole, nor do i.


i just stated a theory, and you got pissed off, u did that because you dont even believe what you said entirely


stop being a little * and realize whats right in front of ur face


white belt in everything

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:o :o :o WOW! :o :o :o


I seemed to have missed this thread before.. what a conversation.. Black holes, Anti-matter, even some metaphysically theology :D


Gotta go to work now but I'm gonna read back through some of this.. sorry.. but there'll be more than two cents worth coming..


Might even have to get out those undergrad physics texts :P

Keep Smiling!

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A black hole is a concentration of matter which contains such a large amount of mass that the gravitational escape velocity is equal to or greater than the speed of light, consequently if light becomes trapped within its gravitational field, it cannot escape, hence the term "black hole". Of course, black hole is an English term, the French term translated means "dark star". There is no correlation between the cosmological body and an actual hole.
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lol, exactly what is it a hole in. u seem to think u know this subject better than anybody else in the world.......


its people like you that make teenagers look so bad.. u dont know exactly what goes on with a black hole, nor do i.


i just stated a theory, and you got * off, u did that because you dont even believe what you said entirely


stop being a little * and realize whats right in front of ur face


I can't speak for everyone else, but what's right in front of MY face is a dumbass who thinks black holes actually contain holes.


And Mr. Cybren, don't insult GeoCities. I'm sure this guy gets all his information off of Angelfire or Tripod.

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