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Superhuman Powers

Black Dragon

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So there was a struggle between the particles, and then things just forumed? So out of nowhere trillions of suns and solar systems just formed? The particles suddenly turned into living beings and came alive? That statement is ludacris.


What's ludacris is your lamen understainding of science, but your attempt to disprove it. The big bang didn't instantally create planets, but the matter slowly formed gas clouds, and then stars formed. eventually planets formed as well.


now, saying that life suddenly sprang up is idiotic.As for life on Earth there are varying beliefs as to where life came from. Most scientists accept that basic bacteria like cells formed in the ocean


(As a note, technically speaking there wasn't "anything" before the big bang.


At RHICs, they're doing research onto a phase of matter called Quark-Gluon Plasma. This substance is basically a cloud of free floating quarks. (they fire gold at each other in a particle accelerator until they collide, for a split second there's Quarkl-Gluon Plasma). )

In the particle eccelerators, did matter, such as rocks, dirt, oceans, did any of that appear? I didnt think so.


A particle accelrator is a controled environment and their goals are quite specific. They weren't trying ot create rocks, soil, dirt, oceans or anything, nor could they have, as they do their research on the molecular and atomic level.

Theres more proof than you can imagine. Love, compassion, honesty, hope, all emotion (even bad) proves there is god. As corny as this all may sound, you cant just say that all the beauty in this world was just an accident. Science can prove a lot, but it cant prove everything. What about all the people that have had their hearts stop beating, and were clinicly dead (but then revived after a minute or 2) and say they saw a great light and angels comming down to them, and them feeling a warmth. What about the people that by all means should have died but didnt get harmed badly (like the guy that shot in head 3 times, or the person that fell 2000 feet from an airplane and didnt break a bone). If there is no god then where do you go when you die, lets hear this from you mr science. Plus there something else, the bible, that proves a lot too.


Let's take this apart one at a time

Theres more proof than you can imagine. Love, compassion, honesty, hope, all emotion (even bad) proves there is god. As corny as this all may sound, you cant just say that all the beauty in this world was just an accident.
how is that proof? Sentience could of arised from evolution naturaly, giving humans an advantage over other species. Who's to define "beauty"? Isn't "beauty" in the eye of the beholder?

Science can prove a lot, but it cant prove everything. What about all the people that have had their hearts stop beating, and were clinicly dead (but then revived after a minute or 2) and say they saw a great light and angels comming down to them, and them feeling a warmth. What about the people that by all means should have died but didnt get harmed badly (like the guy that shot in head 3 times, or the person that fell 2000 feet from an airplane and didnt break a bone)


Oh please. Cite some sources for this bullcrap. For one thing, the heart can start beating again after being "clinically dead", that is, after all, what a dephibulator does. That "seeing a white light" could all be subconciously created because they THINK they saw that.


Now, I doubt people survive one, let alone three bullet wounds to the head. Falling 200 feat without breaking a bone? Was he in a parachute?

). If there is no god then where do you go when you die, lets hear this from you mr science. Plus there something else, the bible, that proves a lot too.


Ever hear of the scientific method? It starts with observation. YOu can't observe what happens after one dies.


The bible is hardly a credible source of information, and hardly worth my time responding to.

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if you really dont believe in God, why would you want to bother with martial arts, or living right with moral standards? why would you want to bother with living? if you truly believe that your great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great


grand father was a protein cell then :cry: ...... whats your real name anyways?


white belt in everything

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CodyydoC, I can't allow your insult to science, or grammar, for that matter to continue.


ooohhh kay....



the big bang theory says that all the matter in the universe was compacted to a small ball. about the size of a base ball ( that's not very believable if ur not a creationist) . and spinning incredibly fast. so fast that one day it got so hot and compacted so small it exploded and junk flew everywhere.


Where did you learn this? The theory belives that the matter started at one compressed point, and eveyrhting spread out, matter being created, objects forming.

well if you've ever watched something fly off of a spinning object, you might've noticed that they fly off spinning the same way that the object they flew off of was. we have a planet thats spinning backwards.


u could say that a comet or something crashed into it hard enough to make it spin the other way. if this was true, dont u think there'd be dent. and it would have to be a really big dent to reverse a planets rotation. and if there was that big of a dent we'd see it.


Considering your original idea is flawwed, this doesn't have any vallidity anyway, however, if it did, it would still be stupid.


The accepted belief is that when celestial bodies hit planets, they became off tillt "There aren't any dents" is a stupid argument. The earth as a 23.5 degree tilt of its axis, Uranus has a very large axal tilt, and Venus, the "backwards" planet, all of these are belived to have happened because of impacts from very, very large objects. Many planets are riddled with crators. The earth has something special, however, called water. It tends to fill in holes.

ok what about black holes? they brake the laws of physics themselves. there nothing but former stars that were so big,that when they died, they compacted so small so fast that they literally crushed themselves out of existence.


What happens with a black hole, is that they collapse apon themselves. They become dense enough so that way the gravity below the area where the star used to be, is so great it bends light, hence the "black".

what law, u ask. isaac newton (i think, im not very good at names); energy cannot be created or destoyed, but it can be transfered.


You're thinking of the laws of thermodynamics, specifically, the law of conservation of energy, discovered by Julius Robert Mayer, and as I said before, nothing is created or destroyed, but it is compressed.



all this from a 14 year old :o

I think we noticed.

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i never said if I do or don't belive in God. I, however, think Morals and Religion aren't automatically related.


I live under a strict moral code, however I am a very secular person.

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just my 2 cents...


does it really matter if the entire world doesn't share your beliefs? i personally am a lutheran, and believe in god, and that's where i stand. my best friend is an aetheist. that's where he stands. i have another friend who's jewish. another who's muslim. my ex girlfriend was buddhist. another friend agnostic. my older sister believes that all major monotheistic religions worship the same god. we've all shared our beliefs, and we've all given opinions, but i don't think we've ever tried to disprove one anothers religion. i may just be mis-interpreting your statements, but it really seems kind of immoral to attempt to prove someones beliefs wrong, especially with not hard evidence. isn't the point of diversity to be able to tolerate/celebrate differences? i don't know, that's what came to mind. oh, and, uh...stopping time would be a pretty cool power to have. that would be really handy on those timed tests :wink: :lol:

"I hear you can kill 200 men and play a mean six string at the same time..."-Six String Samurai

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Historically, Battousai, Islam, Christianity, and Judaisim do share the same god. as each built apon which was last.


There is a difference between respecting someones beliefes and tolerating someones blatent misunderstanding of science or the natural world itself.

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"Historically, Battousai, Islam, Christianity, and Judaisim do share the same god. as each built apon which was last. "


she doesn't stop there. by all major monotheistic religions, she means ALL major monothesistic religions.


"There is a difference between respecting someones beliefes and tolerating someones blatent misunderstanding of science or the natural world itself." point taken. though no one here has given me enough evidence to either believe or disbelieve the big bang theorey. as goes for god.

"I hear you can kill 200 men and play a mean six string at the same time..."-Six String Samurai

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the big bang theory says that all the matter in the universe was compacted to a small ball. about the size of a base ball ( that's not very believable if ur not a creationist) . and spinning incredibly fast. so fast that one day it got so hot and compacted so small it exploded and junk flew everywhere.


Where did you learn this? The theory belives that the matter started at one compressed point, and eveyrhting spread out, matter being created, objects forming.


i forgot to mention that that was only one of the theory's hypothesis

well if you've ever watched something fly off of a spinning object, you might've noticed that they fly off spinning the same way that the object they flew off of was. we have a planet thats spinning backwards.


u could say that a comet or something crashed into it hard enough to make it spin the other way. if this was true, dont u think there'd be dent. and it would have to be a really big dent to reverse a planets rotation. and if there was that big of a dent we'd see it.


Considering your original idea is flawwed, this doesn't have any vallidity anyway, however, if it did, it would still be stupid.


The accepted belief is that when celestial bodies hit planets, they became off tillt "There aren't any dents" is a stupid argument. The earth as a 23.5 degree tilt of its axis, Uranus has a very large axal tilt, and Venus, the "backwards" planet, all of these are belived to have happened because of impacts from very, very large objects. Many planets are riddled with crators. The earth has something special, however, called water. It tends to fill in holes.


my original idea was just as credibal as yours is. and yes, something turning a planet around and not leaving a dent is possible. it just has to be done by the hand of God

ok what about black holes? they brake the laws of physics themselves. there nothing but former stars that were so big,that when they died, they compacted so small so fast that they literally crushed themselves out of existence.


What happens with a black hole, is that they collapse apon themselves. They become dense enough so that way the gravity below the area where the star used to be, is so great it bends light, hence the "black".


uh, somebody's lied to you. or you just didnt understand what they were saying. they call it a black hole because its a hole.

what law, u ask. isaac newton (i think, im not very good at names); energy cannot be created or destoyed, but it can be transfered.


You're thinking of the laws of thermodynamics, specifically, the law of conservation of energy, discovered by Julius Robert Mayer, and as I said before, nothing is created or destroyed, but it is compressed.


quick question, if nothing can be created, how did EVERYTHING get here. it had to be created somehow



all this from a 14 year old :o

I think we noticed.


and how old are you?


white belt in everything

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uh, somebody's lied to you. or you just didnt understand what they were saying. they call it a black hole because its a hole.


I'll handle this statement with the utmost simplicity, here's the https://www.dictionary.com definition:


"An area of space-time with a gravitational field so intense that its escape velocity is equal to or exceeds the speed of light."


Here's another definition:


"Loosely speaking, a black hole is a region of space that has so much mass concentrated in it that there is no way for a nearby object to escape its gravitational pull."


Now, if for SOME reason this still means that a black hole is an actual physical hole, what is it a hole in?


(Note: This statement was merely placed here to humor you.)

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