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Martial Arts vs. Full Contact Sport Fighting

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WhiteShark, I got this from your Shidokan site. How can you say this is even remotely like a real fight. There are tons of rules here. Without the techniques they rule out you cripple most karate styles. They've also ruled out most of the easy pressure targets. The UFC has fewer rules than this. If you can't bite scratch gouge and cripple then it's not real!


III. Kumite/Stand Up Fighting Rules


1. Legal techniques: Fighters will be allowed to punch, kick and knee to the face, head upper Torso (front and side only), leg and arm areas only. No elbows to face or head area. Elbows are allowed to the Body Only.


2. Legal Target Areas: Head, face, upper torso (front and side only), legs (above/below knee).


3. Greco-Roman/Judo throws/single and double leg takedowns are allowed. Any takedown that results in a fighter being physically stunned, will initiate a standing (8) count. If the fighter is unable to rise or unconscious as a rusult of said takedown, the standing fighter will be awarded victory via TKO.


4. Illigal targets: No strikes (hand, foot, elbow, or knee) are allowed to the groin, kidneys, front of neck, entire spinal chord, all joints. No foot stomps are allowed.


5. A Standing 8 Count, will be initiated when a fighter recieves a legal "stunning blow". Herein defined as any legal technique that results fighters unable to adequately protect themselves.


6. A total of Three Standing 8 Counts, in the same round or during the entire fight will result in a TKO.


IV. Karate Rounds


1. Refer to paragraph I, sections 1 through 6.


2. NO punches or hand techniques are allowed to make contact to the facial, head or neck area.


3. NO submission techniques, choking techniques or joint manipulations are allowed.


4. Fighters are required to wear traditional Karate Gi, mouthpiece and groin protection. Hand and wrist taping must be approved by tournament official. Anklets can be worn.


V. Kick-Boxing Rounds


1. Refer to paragraph I, sections 1 through 6.


2. Fighters will wear 10 oz. gloves. Hand techniques to the face are allowed.


3. NO submission techniques, choking techniques or joint manipulations are allowed.


4. Fighters will remove Gi tops. Gi pants or Thai-boxing shorts may be worn.


VI. Grappling Rounds


1. Fighters will wear 5 oz. open finger gloves. Hand techniques to the face are allowed


2. Once a fighters one knee touches the ground, Both Fighters are considered on the ground and the and the following rules now apply:


3. NO STRIKING of any kind is allowed. See "Warnings and Penalties".


4. There is no time limit on the ground, but if there is no activity, the referee will break the fighters and stand both up, and the fight will resume.


5. Legal Techniques are all Major Joint Manipulations: Shoulder, Elbow, Wrist, Knee and Ankle.


6. Rear and side neck chokes and "guillotines" are allowed.


7. Illeagal Techniques: No biting / ear pulling / eye gouging / finger penitration into any and all orfices / fish hooking / hair pulling / licking / minor digit manipulations / one or two handed frontal chokes / skin twisting / spitting is not permitted. Any infraction of the aforementioned will result in an immediate PENALTY.


8. When a legal submission technique is applied, the result will be signaled by the fighter being submitted. The universal: Single hand double tap out, or verbal submission,.."I give...", will be acceptable. If the fighter being submitted is unable to submit either physically or verbally, due to the posistioning of both fighters, type of submission, state of consciousness, or if the referee believes the fighter being submitted will suffer a permanent injury, i.e.., brain damage (choke), broken elbow, wrist, ankle, etc.. the referee may call the fight and declare a winner.

A block is a strike is a lock is a throw.

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  • 5 months later...
Mixed martial artists have a better chance on the street then we do. Why? Because they train 60 hours a week. Lets get somthing strait. Do you think because you know how to use a presure point attack your safe on the streets? LMAO. Are you even sure you could do that attack on a resisting oppenent? MMA is good because every thing that they do works in the ring and out of it.


Uh... Sorry you're like so wrong about that because...


Because any of us regular people are not like our idols in Pro anything


IN MOST CASES... See I train in Hapkido about 8 hrs a week in the dojang & about 5 hrs a week at home, also I'll jog a few miles about 3 days a week if I'm lucky & spend about 4-5 nights a week at the gym wait training if I can get those many days in so in total I spend about 25 - 30 hrs a week TRAINING.


Yes even though I train in a so called traditional MA, me & most of the guys I've come across do the same thing....because no matter what's taught you still need to be in shape, PERIOD (i.e. Eating healthy, proper rest, excercise, Herbs or vitamins & good mental focus & of course proper strecthing) so you don't have to shoot roids or bench 400 lbs. to be street or ring effective but you're not gonna last long with bad eating habits & over drinking & a lack of proper rest or strecthing, exercise or lax MA training & then show up for a few classes a week & think your gonna beat most people who attack you (maybe a few.. If you're 6'6" & 300 + lbs. but still another person in your weight catogory will give you some problems)


BUT if you don't have time to train like a Pro who earns his $$ doing that for a living & doesn't have to report to another job (I know Shonie Carter Does) then you have to do the best that you absolutly can to make time to train & live a healthy life style, YOU'LL be able to deal with anyone pro or not in a street situation. I know that in my experience with HKD our students are very confident & absolutly competent to deal with ANYONE from any style in a street confrotation by the time they're blue belts.


I'll end with this saying don't pick fights with anyone & never under estimate anyone, just do what you know ask a lot of questions & even if your instructor says this style is the Ultimate & you're still in doubt then ask your self is this WHAT I NEED? or should I move on & train somewhere else in the same style but with a better teacher or a different style & not because of the hype but what's good for me & my body/mental type.


Thanks for letting me speak.

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i dont see the need to pick a fight with someone, and especially a 300lb bouncer. too many people seem to place their arguement on "ok, go to a bar and pick a fight with some really huge bloke and see how it goes".


anyone picking a fight for the sake of it, especially to prove something, is just stupid IMO. especially with a 300lb bouncer. most the fights people get into are with people with a bad attitude - and for the most part they can give it out but cant take it. each punch hurts their pride.


If you're learning MAs to beat a 300lb guy into the ground - just buy as gun or decent knife instead. it'll probably work out easier that way.


:lol: (LOL) I lkie that..

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If you can't bite scratch gouge and cripple then it's not real!


Wow what a wake up call, Now that I know that i will follow your pace and start training to bite and scratch when i go to class. Any good drill reccomendations for biting and scratching?

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is strange because the skills(strategy, timing, distancing, coordination), discipline, health benefits, confidence and the fun fun fun (lest we forget), are shared my mixed martial artists and traditional martial artists. The reason, we don't give no holds barred contests is because you might as well give these guys blades then, human cockfights with people killing each other. That's no fun, and BAD public relations for martial arts in general.


The MMA people and Trads are the same in most ways. A contest is a contest and there are rules. What's the difference between point fighting and UFC? No one trains to fight for real, unless you are in the military and no one uses martial arts, its all guns, missiles and dropped bombs. Why is everyone so obsessed with what other people are saying and doing? If someone thinks their martial skills are adequate in modern warfare, then why not? They can believe what they want. Some people think figure skating is a sport. I still don't care about figure skating.


Martial arts is a common bond. It is universal. All cultures have martial traditions. If we stop seeing the benefit in them they will disappear. There is great intrinsic vale in these arts even though we no longer kill each other with our hands. (or not a lot) Otherwise, why do it? We know, we do it for our own personal reasons.


Some people like the sport, some like the self defense, some like the outfits and image for gosh sakes. Some like it for the sake of the art. Whatever, we love it. It's nice


I enjoy watching thai KB, boxing, UFC, Pride, whatever. I like watching capoeira roda's, people practicing forms in the park, fencing, it goes on for a while....


There are a lot of martial arts out there. I love the differences, the approaches, strategies, philosophies, ah the cultures too. The food, the people, the sounds of the music, etc.


God I would be bored if everyone trained, fought, thought, looked, and cooked the same. I would be very very unhappy. Thank goD we're all different somehow. I'll just enjoy my life learning, honing skills, developing new ones, new cooking recipes, broadening my knowledge of other cultures in the process, maybe do some travelling to train in other countries, enjoying people the whole time.


I guess this is long winded but I needed to get it out as this is my first day at this forum. Fighting is good when it's fun.


PS You don't need to learn to bite and scratch(humans are carriers of nasty bugs), just learn to make really sonic full range strange hysterical shreaks close to your opponents ear in a clinch. It is truly disturbing and you can use that moment to gain advantage. Of course, this works before you break the eardrums.

There is no "best" martial art. A good martial artist is a good martial artist. - various good martial artists

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Agreed! Eloquently stated.

"An enlightened man would offer a weary traveler a bed for the night, and invite him to share a civilized conversation over a bowl of... Cocoa Puffs."

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