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Tougher Penalties for Law Breaking?


Should we have stricter punishments for crimes commited?  

8 members have voted

  1. 1. Should we have stricter punishments for crimes commited?

    • Yes. The current laws need to be changed.
    • No. The current laws are fine.
    • Undecided.
    • No. Criminals have rights too.
    • Yes. But only after an exhaustive process.

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Should the long arm of the law be putting a few more bad guys in the ground a year? What acts as a better deterrent? Lenient punishment or effective punishment?


For where you live, do you think the law(i.e. enforcement personnel, laws in the books) is doing enough to prevent/stop crime?


What do you think should be done to curb/stop/reduce crime in your town/city?

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Imagination is more important than knowledge.

Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world." Einstein

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I think canada needs stronger punishments for rapists and murders. We have no death penilty and getting the sentence "life" means 15 years before being considered for parole. Not only that but we give prisioners free educations, i think that should stop too. Edited by King of Fighters
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Throw the book at them. Espically if you know without a shadow of a doubt they did it. In cases that are so so maybe not but with DNA today for rape and murder I say Life or Death let them choose.

(General George S. Patton Jr.) "It's the unconquerable soul of man, and not the nature of the weapon he uses, that ensures victory."

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I vote there be only two punishments: for "victimless" crimes like tax evasion, give them a fine, anything else summary execution would be good. Coupled with frequent sting operations the population would be too terrified to commit any crimes, knowing that they would be perforated by 5.56mm and tungsten-steel composite shot, often within moments of committing a crime.

Paladin - A holy beat down in the name of God!

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I vote there be only two punishments: for "victimless" crimes like tax evasion, give them a fine, anything else summary execution would be good. Coupled with frequent sting operations the population would be too terrified to commit any crimes, knowing that they would be perforated by 5.56mm and tungsten-steel composite shot, often within moments of committing a crime.


i agree

14,purple belt,TKD

talk to me i'm fun

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Sentences should certainly be harsher for violent crimes, especially for repeat offenders. For "predators", like rapists, child molestors, and others who prey on those weaker than them, sentences should definitely be harsher.


A recent decision that irritates me is the sentence of "probation" given to the two yahoos who came out of the stands in Chicago and jumped the 50+ year old 1st base coach of the Royals from behind. It was a father/son, and the father actually made a phone call prior to the act telling somebody he was going to do it.


The coach now has a permanent partial hearing loss in one ear.


Not sending those guys to the pen for awhile is simply disgusting.

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Here is something that happened in my city a couple days ago that i think has to do with this forum.


A town house was broken into and a lot of the homes belongings were smached up, but thats not the really bad part. The family's cat was taken and thrown against the wall until it was almost dead (after cat survived but had lots of sugery done). What monsters could have done this you may ask, 2 boys, who were both 6 years old. No punishment was given since the boys were so young. Personally i dont understand how if some teen steals a chocolate bar he gets a criminal record for life but little kids who still know what they are doing is wrong dont get * done to them. I think they shouldnt get a criminal record, because that will screw you forever, but underage offenders should punished painfully, like being wipped, something that will hurt but wont do any long term damage.

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Well... since they are only six it wouldn't be hard for a person to just happen along and throw them against a wall until they were crippled. For maximum effect you can shout something about "eye for an eye."


If you have difficulty stomaching that notion a swift kick in the stomach would still drop a six-year-old easily.

Paladin - A holy beat down in the name of God!

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