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jiu-jitsu, wing chun, shotokan, and krav maga

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First of all i'd like to know what people think of these arts individually. Second i'd like to know what people think of these arts in comparison to each other for self defense, sport, etc. i don't want any art bashing and i'm not trying to see which art is best, just objective and constructive comparison. also if anyone had list of wing chun or jiu jitsu dojos in ny state, could you post a link? (i already know of a krav maga nd shotokan place near me). thanx.
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jiu-jitsu- -Just left Karate and Started taking it. I like the art, much more fun to learn, and moch more to learn.


wing chun- Don’t know much, but they are good with the hands


shotokan- Not sure about this one, but I hear nothing but good things about it.


krav maga- A lot of hype. I’ve learned all those Technique and more in Isshinryu Karate.

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krav maga- A lot of hype. I’ve learned all those Technique and more in Isshinryu Karate


I assume you are A high ranking black belt in Krav Maga since you know every technique in the sytem?


Since KM is a completly diffrent system and has infulences from wrestling/boxing/JJ etc I highly doubt them techniques are all found in Isshinryu anyways.

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krav maga- A lot of hype. I’ve learned all those Technique and more in Isshinryu Karate


I assume you are A high ranking black belt in Krav Maga since you know every technique in the sytem?


Since KM is a completly diffrent system and has infulences from wrestling/boxing/JJ etc I highly doubt them techniques are all found in Isshinryu anyways.


Funny. Would you like me to rephrase?


krav maga- A lot of hype. From the Techniques I have seen, it is basic stuff you learn in Isshinryu Karate.


Complete different? Completely different from what? There are only so many ways to fight off a person! Only so many ways to hit the groin! But, I assume you know that, seeing as you know so much about Both KM and Isshinryu.

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I have to agree with Tibby, based on the KM I've seen. They lean way too far forward and give up their ballance, sometmes to the point that their opponent is supporting them. And trapping knife hands in the crook of your elbow is a really good way to get seriously cut. I've heard that there are a lot of bad schools and very few good ones for KM in the US, so I'll qualify my remarks by admitting I may have seen McKM and there could be some good stuff out there. But until I see it, I'll remain a skeptic.


I spared a Shotokan guy tonight. I killed him when it was just hands, but when they said to use feet too he started connecting and setting up his hand strikes too. And he had excellent control. Good hard blocks. I've only ever worked with a couple of Shotokan guys, but they were good. Based on that limmited experience, I'd say it is a good art for those that pefer a hard art.


Jiu Jitsu is an excellent, well rounded art. One of the best. I've only seen a little of it, but it was impressive. And it has an excellent reputation.


Wing Chun- good bridging and in close fighters. They'll tie you in knotts. Good flow and no wasted movement. I'd about as soon take a freight train head on as a WCer. But step in at @15' and you can get them, if you are quick. Let them dominate your center (one of their specialties) and you are toast, though. I've worked with a few, and they are good. Good art.


If I had to choose between these arts, it would be between JJ and WC, and the school and instructor would be the main deciding factors. Not to short Shotokan, I just prefer a style with soft moves.

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My point was I doubt you have enought experience in the Sytem to know what all the techniques are..Im sure you learn many basics in another stlye..that could be said of most stlyes.
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Yes, I can see your point, but MY point was, thew samples and demo's and attacks that I have seen or read about arn't much different from other arts, come on, attack vital points, OH, that is new! The Israelis aren’t the first to thing this up, from what I can tell from the things I have observed, they made a system that already existed, and has existed, for Centuries! Now, because I’m not a Grandmaster in the art, I have not seen everything from this art, but this is after the things I have seen, this is the conclusion I have come to.
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hey guys thanx for the advice, helped alot. martial artist 1975, i live in westchester, a suburb just north of nyc. if you could recommend a few wing chun or jiu jitsu dojos, that would be great. also, another question, what arts do these arts best cross train with, and how do these 4 mas comare to other mas that you know alot about. lastly which of these arts is best siuted to self defense IN YOUR OPINION. thanx
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...what arts do these arts best cross train with,


WC and American Kenpo are an awesome combination! Also goes good with Silat and FMA's. I'd guess it would go well with most arts. JJ should go well with any other art also. A lot would depend on your ability to mix or transition between the principles of the two arts.

and how do these 4 mas comare to other mas that you know alot about. lastly which of these arts is best siuted to self defense IN YOUR OPINION. thanx


Km- not very well (IMO).


The rest depends on you, your preferences and capabilities.

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