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Which kata's does your dojo teach?

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I study shito-ryu and as you all know it has TONS of kata, we even teach non-traditional kata. I'd say there is around 50 kata that the average blackbelt has learned and probably remembers.
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For Shodan you must know these kata performing them flawlessly and understanding the bunkai:


Pinan Shodan


Pinan Nidan


Pinan Sandan


Naihanchi Shodan


Naihanchi Nidan




For Nidan:


Paisai Sho


Paisai Dai


Naihanchi Sandan




For Sandan:






Shorinji Sanchin


So Hakutsuru


Tan Hakutsuru


Ni Ju Ken


Beyond 3rd degree these Crane Katas are also studied:


Shu Kakutsuru






Matsumura Hakutsuru Sho and Chu


Shorinji Chinto


Matsumura Hakutsuru Dai


Mei Hakutsuru


The Matsumura Seito katas are emphasized and the White Crane is supplemental. In reality we only have 12-14 kata (including Matsumura Hakutsuru).


You can tell the McDojos vs. the real karate by what is required for BB. Too many kata means $$$! 50 kata is toooo much. It is best to master 3-5. The Okinawans have a saying, ' it takes 9 years to master one kata". So 3 kata is 27 years. Think about it. Bye.


Nidan, Hakutsurukan


yellow belt- ten no kata


blue belt- chi no kata


purple belt- heian shodan


green belt (1st degree)- rohai shodan


greenbelt (2nd degree)- niseishi


brownbelt- ananko, shihon kosokun, bassai dai


shodan- bassai dai


Then we learn billions of other ones, i'll try and remember as many as i can: Senchin, tomari bassai, matsumura bassai, tensho, supa limpe, kusanku, paiku, nipaipo, rohai nidan and sandan, heian sanda-godan, i believe theres like 80 kata we learn, and i can't remember their names.

  Hohan-1 said:

You can tell the McDojos vs. the real karate by what is required for BB. Too many kata means $$$! 50 kata is toooo much. It is best to master 3-5. The Okinawans have a saying, ' it takes 9 years to master one kata". So 3 kata is 27 years. Think about it. Bye.


I agree! We have so few Kata. Some of these styles with 50 kata? How do you ever master one?

Shito ryu has always had many kata, it was part of the style founders wish. (I think :-? )

White: Tai Kyoku Exercises (Teach, Tarch and Meach)


Yellow: Wunsu


Blue: Anaku


Green: Empi Sho, Dan Enn Sho


Purple: San Chin, Heian Shodan, O' Naihanchi Sho


Brown: O'Naihanchi Ni and San, Heian Nidan, Sandan, Yondan, Basai Dai, Go Pei Sho


Shodan: Basai Dai, Kan Ku Sho and Kan Ku Dai, Te-Katana (Sai From), Kwanmu Katas (Sho, Ni and San)


Nidan: Shudo So


Sandan: Further mastery of all of the above, Ten Sho


Yondan: Ten Dai


And of course the TONS of weapons katas and the Ippons and Taezus and Shaolin Animal Forms.

Black Belt (Or, Sash i should say) - 2nd Degree - Wu Shu & Wing Chun Kung Fu

Black Belt - 1st degree - Shuri Ryu Karate

Black Belt - 1st degree - Okinawan Kobudo

Black Belt - 1st degree - Tomikki Aikido

Black Belt - 2nd degree - Jujitsu

Tai Chi Chuan Practicioner

Muay Thai Practicioner

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