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Mas Oyama the gangster?


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The Duel of the Century


Rikidozan was considered to be the greatest professional wrestler in Japan. He quit Sumo after achieving Seki-Waki, third highest rank. After WWII, he was involved in many street fights and was defeated once by a wrestler named Harold Sakada . Within two years training in Hawai,Rikidozan became the best professional wrestler in Japan. He was famous for karate chopping, yet he received only brief training by Mas Oyama. It was decided that the “Duel of the Century” was to be held between Kimura and Rikdozan on December 25, 1954. Before the fight, Kimura told reporters that professional wrestling was show business, not real fights.


The “choreography” was decided by Kimura, Rikidozan, and Koto. Kimura would allow Rikidozan to attack with karate chop, and he would throw Rikidozan with Judo. The first fight would end in a draw. After that, they would each win one, on a rotation basis. This Duel of the Century was scheduled for 60 minutes. After 15 minutes, Rikidozan tried to attack with karate chop. Kimura signaled, “Be my guest.” Instead of a phony chop to the chest, Rikidozan chopped to the neck, stunning Kimura.


Rikidozan, wearing boots, then kicked Kimura’s head. Kimura was KOed. Hours later, Kimura’s gangster supporters offered to kill Rikidozan. Mas Oyama was among the volunteers. ( Kimura was a mentor and good friend. )


Kimura declined the offer to avoid unnecessary killing. Through meditation, the “death” that appeared in his head signified that Rikidozan would someday die violently. Ten years later, Rikidozan was killed by a small-time gangster, with a tanto, in a bar.



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Ever heard of the yakuza? Lots of small time crooks and gangster-wannabes there. Even today the mafia is fully operating in Japan. I just saw a documentary the other day about it. In Hiroshima, there is a yearly "festival", a day when all the youth go out and drink and party. And fight. They fight other people randomly, just muggings. This is because those who draw most attention to their brutality and cold bloodedness, usually get contacted by the yakuza and that's exactly what many of the unemployed or school-drop-out youngsters want.
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