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froms or poomse

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Yea, I heard. My boyfriend still goes to the main school. The new school will be done sometime next month, I heard. I saw it today, (drove by it). It looks as if it's getting there. You must go to Mr. Child's (sp?) school then.

Laurie F

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There are so many forms that we learn at our school it shard to name them all. Well for white belts the learn the kibon or KiCho forms along with Pyung Ahn forms, Tae Geuk and Pal Gwe are taught through color belts along with nunchuk forms. At Black belt level you learn all the WTF forms like Koryo, Geumgang, and Taebeck and so forth. Um also since it is still a traditional tae wkon do school where they operate under Ji DO Kwan style you also learn the Tang Soo Do forms. along with that black belts are required to learn 3 bo forms, 3 sai forms, kama forms, spear forms, whul do forms, fan form, and sword forms.

Choi, Ji Hoon Instructor-

3rd Dan-Tae Kwon Do

3rd Dan Hapkido

International Haedong Gumdo Federation

Kyuk Too Ki (Korean Kickboxing/Streetfighting)

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we mostly do the same thing KoreanTiger, minus all of the weapon forms. we only have people doing bo and sai so far. although, our instructor allows us to make our own up for competing.

Tae Kwon Do

15-years old


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We do a white belt form that I cant spell, and then taegueks 1-8 which goes from yellow to brown belt 3rd grade (brown w/ red stripe). Then at Red belt you learn Kun Shoon (sp?) staff form 1. Then Koryo at black belt. Ba Sai Dai (sp?) USED to be a form black belts had to learn, but not anymore.


Whoa, TKD runs the Basai katas... err.. "forms?"


COOL, I didn't know that. Is it just Dai, or do you also do Sho (Since its a 4 part Kata: Basai Sho, Basai Dai, Basai San and Basai Tamari). Either way, thats cool. Good strong Chinese/Okinawan kata.

Black Belt (Or, Sash i should say) - 2nd Degree - Wu Shu & Wing Chun Kung Fu

Black Belt - 1st degree - Shuri Ryu Karate

Black Belt - 1st degree - Okinawan Kobudo

Black Belt - 1st degree - Tomikki Aikido

Black Belt - 2nd degree - Jujitsu

Tai Chi Chuan Practicioner

Muay Thai Practicioner

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The Master Instructor used to teach Bassai's probably due to his Karate background but now I believe he sticks strictly to WTF poomse for TKD, and then adds chinese forms for the Kung Fu (his system is a mix of traditional/sport TKD and Kung Fu). True they are great forms!!!




I go to the Mt. Lafler's school and attend the main school once a week. I have yet to visit Three Treasures (I'm guessing as did karatekid did that this is your school-my apologies if I guessed wrong) but I would like to.



"A Black Belt is only the beginning."

Heidi-A student of the arts

Tae Kwon Do,Shotokan,Ju Jitsu,Modern Arnis


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