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I've always had an interest for martial arts, and have taken a few classes in Kempo... but I've got a couple of problems.


After starting Kempo I felt uncomfortable in my environment, it was mainly a bunch of kids wanting to learn how to beat someone up rather than learn the discipline of the art. I'm looking for more than that, and particularly in my area. Being 16 it's hard to get out of state with no ride at all, but I'm hoping that's soon to change.


Another thing I was wondering is size matters. I was easily the biggest of the group in height and weight, I have the willpower to begin and complete, but are there any unknown issues as to taking a martial art if you're clinically overweight? I'm in WV, and any help is appreciated. I want to do this for my own good, for my health, well-being, and for the discipline of the art.

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if the kempo school is your only option, see if you can join the adult class to get away from kids with bad attitudes. you're 16 and most schools will let mature teens work out with the adults. if you're still stuck with the kids, know that they probably won't get far with that mindset and that as you progress in rank, you'll be with more serious students like yourself.


as far as weight goes, you'll eventually lose a lot of it if you're training hard. in the meantime, just make sure you don't overdo it in sparring and stuff. you might get tired easily at first. there's no reason at all why your weight should affect how you do your forms and basic techniques, unless your flexibility is also an issue.


good luck! :)

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Kempo is the only real option in my area, until I'm 18. Then, Hapkido is an option for me. For some reason you have to be 18 years old to participate in the training, seems it's pretty lethal...


But yeah, I'll probably take up Kempo to get myself in shape enough to take Hapkido, which I've got a couple of years before I have to worry about that ;)


Thanks for all your help, I'm currently on an exercise and low-carb diet and the Kempo'll help out a lot.

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Where are you in state?


PM me if you would rather keep this to yourself.


I teach in Gilbert at the LJHCC. However this is my last week of public teaching due to football season starting but I have some people you could get up with if you in our area.

(General George S. Patton Jr.) "It's the unconquerable soul of man, and not the nature of the weapon he uses, that ensures victory."

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I know bluefield well I went to college at Concord in Athens.


What school are you talking about I know or know of most of the teaches in that area.

(General George S. Patton Jr.) "It's the unconquerable soul of man, and not the nature of the weapon he uses, that ensures victory."

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When I went, the class was taught by a Sheila Dyson, at least I think it was Dyson... It was in downtown Bluewell near the old carwash, but I can't remember the building. Particularly small class, but she was a good teacher.
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Well she is one I did not know LOL.

(General George S. Patton Jr.) "It's the unconquerable soul of man, and not the nature of the weapon he uses, that ensures victory."

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