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Official Shotokan Topic


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I believe that unless you are at least ni-dan you shouldn't attempt to learn Katas from other styles.


In the British Karate Kyokushinkai as part of the International Federation of Karate we do not have any new Katas to learn after san-dan.The long road to perfection starts there.Of course as far as we know perfection is probably un-obtainable but we should never stop trying to better ourselves and never stop trying to get as close to perfection as possible.


When you have reached the point where you can learn no more new Kata in your style then may be I think you can start to learn a new Kata from a different style just to spice things up alittle.But always be careful to continue with your own Katas.You can never really spend to much time learning to perfect the Katas from your chosen style.


I personally think I'm a long way off starting to learn Katas from other styles I have to much work to do on my own.



Never give in

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Kyokushin is a mixed style of karate, isn't it. I mean, it mixed shotokan and goju kata. When your training and your sensei moves away you have to continue to train in some form...after shodan I was on my own. That is why I'm learning kata from other styles. Shotokan is great but it doesn't contain everything. :)
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