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why do you do it?

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why do i do Muay Thai? *shrugs* havent figured that out yet, hehehe.


i dont think that ill ever haveta use it for self defence (ima canadian, we peaceful :angel:) .




i think that i just..LIKE it, for some reason..so fun!! at first i just wanted to go into it so i could increase my fitness (so i could be Da Musckle Man..and get..Da Chicks! :brow: )..but im still not 'Da Musckle Man', and i certainly dont get 'Da Chicks' :cry:..but im still paying monthly for classes..so..*shrug*


[ This Message was edited by: Zaknafein on 2001-10-11 09:42 ]

Feel the 'Putt Jattan De' power!!

*Truth is highest, but Truthful living is higher still*

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I do it cause it makes me more out going know that I can woop thous football players in my school. jk. Also, It gives me a great body which attrachs the ladies :brow:


And Training is the only thing that can make me better then the day before, studing don't make me feel that way, only training dose.

"Don't think!! Feel..."

-Bruce Lee


This site is dumb but I made it so it is good.

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Stress management! Plus, I love the way MA's make you feel after a hard work out. Friends, love of learning, physical fitness...the list goes on and on.

"Jita Kyoei" Mutual Benefit and Welfare

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Here, then, are my reasons ranked in order of importance.


1) Self Defence


2) Fitness


3) Friends


4) Image (Being a Karate Mastah is kewlies lol omg asl!!!!!)


5) Discipline (mainly seeing how far you can push yourself)


Other reasons are not important enough to warrent mentioning



~The things you own - they end up owning you.

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