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the man with no style

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he did say that if he enter competitons and wins a lot that people will give the school all the credit than him for winning matches. but that sounds stupid. but what about me what do you do against a fighter like this.


I don't know what your rules of engagement are, but if he's willing to almost paralyze you, i would think a well placed kick to the knees or quad pressure points would get his attention. Also, learn grappling, take downs, pressure points and joint locks. And pump some iron to gain more strength. Good luck!

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well thank you goju 1 thats what i asked for ways to beat him. why is everybody taking his side but i'm not suprise because every where i go it's wheres your friend. no hi sano or good morning but where that serious guy.kicks to the head that was working for a while but once i threw a high round kick and he caught my leg lift my leg and my body in the air and slam me. so now i'm kind of scared to do high kicks, but i'm sure he will not catch me again. and he said he got that off a jet li movie. i don't remember jet li doing that. being an athlete has nothing to do with it because tank abbott is an athlete but he got beat in a matter of seconds. and the rules is pretty much everything go's because thats the realistic way to train.

falcon kick!!!

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well thank you goju 1 thats what i asked for ways to beat him. why is everybody taking his side but i'm not suprise because every where i go it's wheres your friend. no hi sano or good morning but where that serious guy.kicks to the head that was working for a while but once i threw a high round kick and he caught my leg lift my leg and my body in the air and slam me. so now i'm kind of scared to do high kicks, but i'm sure he will not catch me again.


No kicks higher than belt (doesn't work against good fighter in real life, leave it for the movies) focus on side/roundhouse kicks to his thighs and knees to weaken him, then get in close and use elbow strikes and backfists, etc. Learn the vital points and use them, you can paralyze an opponent quickly. Sounds to me like this guy has probably worked out a bit with some fighting style, he's probably BSing you a little, but you can take him - someday. :) Practice, practice, practice!

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thanks that is really helpful and about the bsing i think your right but what type of fighting style do you think he knows he has a counter for every move and he seems to learn how to fight while fighting, but if i know his style i can beat him. but the good thing is i can probaly make some money of this guy if a become like a manager.

falcon kick!!!

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Simply catching a leg from a high kick doesn't require you to watch a movie. We've all done it since third grade or so...


As far as style goes, you aren't terribly specific, so i have no idea

Martial Arts Blog:http://bujutsublogger.blogspot.com/

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i have no style to sano, and probably like him you can't beat guys like us ;) lol well you know I include myself on this category of being born just ready to fight. I took no training at first but I could take anyone. Then I took San Soo, that works well. I am now taking judo so I try to use throws now, but most of them are to dangerous I found because people were breaking bones because lack of landing skills. Sano.....


You never back down? He who runs today, lives to fight another day. Acting tough and being tough are very different. What I do against street fighters is wait for them to make a move, I am short an agile and like to use my speed and short burst of power. I can't teach you to fight with words to express anger is to lose.


He who is skilled in combat never becomes angry


He who is skilled at winning never becomes afraid


Thus the wise win before the fight, while the ignorant fight to win

The amateur shoots his hands out ferociously, but lacks any true power. A master is not so flamboyant, but his touch is as heavy as a mountain.

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as for what he does its a lot off jump spin kicks a lot of combos like jab, cross,high round house. and he does these weird sweeps they look like spinning inner crescent kick or a spinning heel kick but his whole body is on the ground like a squatting spinning inner crescent kick. those sweeps to him or like low kicks to us. he can perform them over and over. i would tell him thats not allowed but that would not be fair i know street fighting i did that to but i didn't do weird kicks like that. AND YOU YES YOU SANOSOOUSER i hate you because your right you sound like my old instructor who always would say stuff like that and that i'm evil :roll:. all those moves are movie stuff are they i never fought anybody who uses techniques like that. he's like some anime or sholin monk guy. or maybe he knows a new style that we don't know about yet. and i don't like that at all.

falcon kick!!!

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please don't put words in my mouth sano, I never said you were evil. You need to practice watch him fight other people.

The amateur shoots his hands out ferociously, but lacks any true power. A master is not so flamboyant, but his touch is as heavy as a mountain.

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Does he have a strategy? How much does he practice? If he is so good why don't you just learn from him? If he beats everyone he must have something to offer.


Learn from him and spar with him at every opportunity. Them maybe, just maybe you will be regarded in the same light as your friend :karate:

I keep asking God what I'm for and he tells me........."gee I'm not sure!"

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