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I was wrong about FULL CONTACT


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I've said here that full contact is a myth, but I just worked out with some Kali types, and I have to say it was as hard as it was fun! We fought full contact with padded sticks, and I do mean FULL CONTACT! And not those wiffle sticks either, but real sticks wraped with foam. I'm bruised and bleeding, even as I type this. But I'm smileing too, so I must be OK. Another great thing was their anything goes attitude. Several times it went to the ground on the concrete floor. We did wear headgear and gloves. But other than that it was street clothes. There's not really any point to this post, except that I'm still too pumped to go to bed. Salud!

Freedom isn't free!

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Sounds fun ;)


It was :D But now here it is 1:00 and I still can't sleep!


I'd like to be able to tell you that I really cleaned up tonight. But the truth is that I got pretty much whuped up on. One of them kept telling me that the sticks are a long range weapon, and asking why I kept moving in close where they weren't quite as effective. I told him I was getting killed out there. But they were cool with that. Punyo strikes (butt end of the stick) can lead elbows, similar to what we do in Kenpo. It gets real ugly in close, and the sticks add a whole new dimension to grappling! I enjoyed it tonight, but I'm gonna pay at work tomorrow. Then I'm supposed to work out with some TKD guys! I bet I sleep tomorrow night! :(

Freedom isn't free!

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If your getting killed at long range clinch or go to the ground...


I did. They still use the sticks on the ground! Simply amazing!


I id get a good knee strike to the head on the ground, though. Really rung his bell! Literally! Those full head gear are like fighting with a bell on your shoulders, and your head is the clapper!

Freedom isn't free!

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Not associated with Dog Brothers that I know of. But it does bring to mind their motto, "Higher consciousness through harder contact!" I'm a hurtin' unit today! But I'm going back either later this week or sometime next.

Freedom isn't free!

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You guys are nuts LOL.


But if you had fun thats cool

(General George S. Patton Jr.) "It's the unconquerable soul of man, and not the nature of the weapon he uses, that ensures victory."

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