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Shotokan Nidan Grading


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Any thoughts? It's set for the end of September what type of cardio do you guys do? We formal training for 3 and a half hours then I grade after a shodan grading. We have to perform 25 self-defence waza as well using bunkai on top of the traditional JKA grading...
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  • 5 weeks later...

Just did the nidan grading. It was very hard. Lasted 4 and a half hours and I almost throw up an hour and a half into it. I did it on the 16th and I still have a hard time kneeling due to all the kicking we did. I wish I had done more cardio!



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You guys are not grading for karate. You are kickboxers and runners. Fighting lasts less than 3 minutes (that is long in fact). You should be able to handle things in seconds. You know that is the true meaning of "Ikken Hisatsu" or "Uchichiesu" to the Okinawans. That one strike that allows you to dictate the tempo. Quick fast and in a hurry! Why does the JKA have these idiotic guidelines? Are marathoners better fighters than drunken, fat street brawlers? Don't get me wrong, many Okinawan styles put there people through the same *. When they attend our seminars they are no better or worse from that kind of training. In fact many of them rely on their physicality at the detriment of efficacy, efficency and technical knowledge. They have adopted a LOT of bad habits. Ring habits. Big no-nos. The aim is not muscular (anaerobic) or cardio (aerobic) fitness but fighting ability and understanding of the forms and lineage. But only if you do the forms or learn the forms correctly in the first place. Suppleness will always overcome rigidity.


Blah, blah, blah I'm talking to many walls! Hahahahaha!!!!


Nidan, Hakutsurukan

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I don't know what the JKA does :-? I believe the time is used to help build a spirit of endurance... Hohan, have you ever been in a fight with someone who just did want to give up, or had just as much skill as you? You will see that a fight can last longer then 3min. and one strike that will dictate a fight is hard to come by. :lol:
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Good lord four hours! I hope you're kidding. My BB test was only two and even then there were three phases (red to 1st dan) (2nd to 5th) and (Master and up).


As far as advice for training, you have gotten this far, you know what works. Trust yourself

So recognize or be hospitalized

Cuz literally on a scale from one to ten I'm 25.

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Congratulations on your test. My first Shodan Test took somewhere between 4 and 5 hours as well. I believe part of the idea is to help you prepare for how your body feels after the adrenal dump has occurred and you feel like you've been fighting forever. I don't really agree with that line of thinking though. I don't know if you can be prepared for that feeling. Maybe with adrenal stress training. I don't know much about that training however. Rambling again ...Sorry

A block is a strike is a lock is a throw.

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