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a message from the karateka's...quit picking on us!


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Well a little history:


- Karate comes to North America (along with other "traditional" Asian arts)


- They promote themselves as "the ultimate fighting systems"


- They are much too dangerous for full contact competitions.


- Boxing/wrestling/etc are just sports and a karate fighter would destroy them in a "real fight"


- Karate fighters develop "American Kickboxing", no one gets killed, a little back peddling occurs. Oh well, the rules restrict "Real Karate" it is just a sport as well.


- UFC comes up, puts them in a real fight. They get clobbered... Err... What happened?


- UFC develops rules to keep it legal. AHA! It too is just a sport.


Basically for a long time karate guys (in general) never really took boxing/wrestling serious. They got put to the test and karate got beat. A little reversal took place.


Karate practitioners have a history of making incredible claims and not being able to back them up. Not all, but a good portion of them.


There are some very good karate folk, who know they're art, and more importantly the limitations of it. They train hard and know how to make there stuff work.


Karate is not for MMA competition, when people claim it is they get shoot down. They are different things, one does not work for the other.


Would you train like a 100 m sprinter if your goal was to run a marathon? Both are running?


WOuld you train synchronized swimming for a 200 m Butterfly event? Both are swimming.


Karate is not MMA, claiming it is is goofy.


Knowing the limitations of what you do is very important, and it is the reason these "bashings" take place.


Take WTF TKD for example, it is a great sport, but no one would ever try to fight like that outside of a WTF environment.


Or Wushu, do you think it bothers them that they aren't really learning to fight?


How about Tai Chi? Do you think they feel a need to step into the Octagon to prove their style works?

Andrew Green

http://innovativema.ca - All the top martial arts news!

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:lol: i find it humorous that you creat the longest post here, since your one of the perptratos i had in mind in creating th thread in the first place.


as far as growing a thiker skin, will yea i dont give a dam, i love what i do. but i just hate for something as good as karate to take so much crap and have such little respect. your right TKD gets hit pretty hard. i think its because of the same reason as shotokan, its got some really solid schools and solid fighters and then a whole bunch of useless rip offs. :roll: north america! :kaioken: now i do have a headache....you say you studied how long? im sorry it just all sounds like the ramblings of some ex-millitary guy in a bunker trailer talking about how evil the goverment is while he loads his gernade launcher. i really hate to say that but Andrew, right you may be, i mean what the hell do i know right? but im just not buying it.

"i could dance like that!.......if i felt like it...." -Master Betty

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:lol: i find it humorous that you creat the longest post here, since your one of the perptratos i had in mind in creating th thread in the first place.


I gave you an answer to your question. Karate gets picked on because of people with your sort of attitude. People that don't realise the strengths and weaknesses of their style.


Karate does not have everything, saying it does makes you look ignorant.


It's like a BJJ guy claiming he could win a TKD tournament, not going to happen. BJJ doesn't cover the skills required to compete in TKD. Karate doesn't cover the skills required to compete in MMA. Not a problem, unless people start claiming it does and making * claims like "No wrestler could ever take me down"

Andrew Green

http://innovativema.ca - All the top martial arts news!

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Perhaps it's because karate has been around forever and become so heavily cliched. Now all these other martial arts are becoming more popular, and old style karate just isn't "cool" anymore. I took karate years ago, and I went to an excellent school. However, when I decided to take up a martial art again, my thinking was, "Eh, karate's lame. I wanna take something cool." I can see now that taking a different art was a good idea to expand my knowledge, but I learned a lot of important stuff in karate. Just because karate's out of fashion at the moment, so to speak, doesn't mean it's not a valuable martial art.

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that makes since yusagi, kinda like every style has its spot light, right now it seems to be BJJ. it was karate, and for a little bit TKD, then there was the whole kung-fu era, i honestly think Krav Manga will be the next big thing but im sure karate will come back again soon.


*reads Andrew's post* were the heck is the ignore button on this thing. look at least combine your persoannl attacks with statments, like i did. if you actually read my post youd see they very clearly state, i do not claim the a wrestler could never take me down, im simply saying he wont always. im not going to incriminate myself before i even fight by claiming i will be constantly defeated. but perhaps this all roots from some dramatic experince you had against a wrestler that made you so frightned of them. andrew.....is there something youd like to talk about? im here for you man.


but we already have apost with us bekering, so let me get back on track. I think that last post made a lot of since, its a trend thing, because karate used to be what it is back in the days of Chuck Norris's reign. which is intresting, you guys think the trends have a lot to do with whats going on in hollywood?

"i could dance like that!.......if i felt like it...." -Master Betty

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summed what up? why im an idiot or why karate is being used as a media punching bag, amongst the cahos im getting a little hazy.

"i could dance like that!.......if i felt like it...." -Master Betty

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Andrew gave several good reasons of why karate is looked down on, but because you [fireka] disagree with them you choose to write off what he's saying as a "personal attack" or "crazy ex-military paranoid ramblings". Try listening to what Andrew has to say, and if you disagree with it, fine. At least you'd be giving his statements some thought that way.
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I think that it is important for Karate to re-imerge, the 2 most popular arts right now would have to be BJJ and Muay Thai. And I honestly think its the Training required that goes along with them. You get in great physical condition. It took Heilio Gracie decades trying to Prove that his system was the best. Muay Thai is crazy Intense, its part of the Art.


If a shotokan fighter was to dedicate the time and training to develope a god hand, it would make quite a difference in a MMA event. Once you get to the higher levels in shotokan you do learn grappling,throws.and takedowns. Heres the problem, a lot of guys will go into a MMA event as soon as they are first dan. This is too soon. If You waited and trained untill you were 3rd 4th or even 5th your skill would be a lot greater. And you would do a lot better in a MMA event. I dont think there has ever been a 5th dan karate ka in UFC befor. Lets Say a 6'4 240lb 5th Dan Karate-ka went into the UFC, hed be pretty scary.

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