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Sai!!! Can you help me!???


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Hi, Today i bought some Sai. I've never trained with sai before as i'm only used to training with a Bo So can you please help me out with a few things?


1) How do you hold them?


2) Is it possible to spin them?


3)Is there anywhere online where i can learn some Sai katas or cool moves? (Real sai katas NOT karate katas done with sai!)


4) Is there anything else i need to know about them?



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Could you be more specific as to what you mean by spinning the sai?


Here are some good sites with some background info on the Sai:






There is another thread in this section that had a few kata posted to it about 2 days ago.


The most important thing I can think of is to rotate the tines of the sai so that they are perpendicular to the floor when pulling the opposite hand back during a strike. Unless you wanna get stuck in the gut. :)

I'm no longer posting here. Adios.

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Do you know the grip changes? I only know of one, but unfortunately, its kinda tough to describe.


As far as spinning, you can place your index finger between one of the Yoku (prongs) and the monouchi (blade) and spin them vertically like you might with a gun. Due to the sais weight and balance you might have difficulty. I can only do about 5 spins before losing control and having it drop on my foot. lol


Also, when you spin them, make sure you hold it away from your body. People often miscalculate and have the sai hit their arm, under their arm, or catch on their clothing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah thats what i mean by spinning the sai. If any of you have seen "The Mummy returns" or "DareDevil" you see them doing some pretty impressive stuff which is the kinda stuff i'd like to learn. I've got the basics for the sai so i don't need help with that.


When you spin the sai is there a way to keep it spinning or do you just have to stop them before they slow down too much and you lose control?


Has anyone got any idea if there are any sites that give you info on how to do anything like what they do on the films mentioned above? :-?

Please visit http://philcampbellxma.co.uk and join our forum!

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It helps if you get properly balanced sai. I have a pair of handmade Shureido sai that have great balance. In addition, at its center where all the pieces meet there is no annoying bubble that comes with mass-produced sai and is flat, allowing you a better grip. The downside is that with shipping, they were almost $150...

Martial Arts Blog:http://bujutsublogger.blogspot.com/

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Has anyone seen Daredevil where Elektra is practicing in that room with the bags? Does anyone know how she does those moves at the very start after she flips the sais up then turns then she does this thing where she spins both sai and moves from side to side and sorta spins the sai alternatly as she goes forward? :-?

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2 parts, one about the movie, the other about drills.


As far as daredevil goes, I haven't seen it except for a very brief preview. I couldn't tell, but judging from one 2 second clip, it appears she is holding the sai incorrectly (in real practice, a sword would cut off her fingers). Correct me if I'm wrong (anyone who has seen her do stuff for more than 2 seconds in a commercial they've seen once) but her technique is flawed. Therefore, any technique she is doing would teach you bad form for practical application. Of course, if you just want it to look flashy in front of non-martial artists...go ahead and do it.


This is just what I saw off a Nishiuchi Mikio video. Any translations are my own (so take it for what its worth) and I just wrote this down to help people in my dojo remember. Realize that this is for supposed to be for people that have seen this video or have had it demonstrated.




Monouchi: long middle "blade" of the sai


Saki: Tip of the Monouchi


tsuka: The handle, the hand grip


tsukagashira: The "head" of the sai at the end of the grip.


Moto: The center, where the pieces meet.


Yoko: Side Guard


An open Sai is when the Tsukagashira is at the heel of the palm.


A closed Sai is when the Tsukagashira is at the fingertips and the monouchi lies on the forearm.


Make sure on your closed sai grip that your index finger runs along the side of the hand grip (tsuka) until it reaches the tsukagashira. Index finger pressure makes for an effective closed position "punch".


For an open position grip, make sure the four fingers are grasping the tsuka (hand grip) and that the thumb is pushed against the moto (center of the sai where the pieces meet). Some schools also have the index finger uncurled and along the bottom of the yoko on one side (the left yoko when held with the right hand).


Have fun...


Sai Hojo Undou 1


1.Danchuu zuki (Middle area strike): In closed position, lunging strike to sternum with tsukagashira.


2.Gedan Barai Uke (Lower sweeping block): In closed position, bring sai up in front, chest level, with monouchi facing front. Swing straight down and to the side, monouchi facing out to block a weapon strike.


3.Jodan Uke (Upper area block): In closed position, bring sai up in front, chest level, with monouchi facing front. Swing up to block a weapon strike and continue swing out to side. This allows trapping and pulling of a weapon.


4.Ue Hiraki Gaeshi (Opening upwards and returning): Bring both sai up in front, chest level, with monouchi facing down. Flip and switch sai out to sides in open position, yoko parallel to the ground. Return both sai to original, closed position in front of chest.


5.Mae Hiraki Gaeshi (Opening from the front and returning): Bring both sai up in front, chest level, with monouchi facing in. Flip and switch sai out to sides in open position, yoko perpendicular to the ground. Return both sai to original, closed position in front of chest.


6.Nage (Throw): Swing sai in, up and around head in open position and back to front. The sai should end up in open position with saki pointed at target (feet, legs, etc.). Don’t actually throw it unless you are outside and away from people. Throw only into the ground (Leave Mother Nature out of this!) and preferably into sand or non-rocky soil to avoid damage to weapons. Make sure the yoko are parallel to the ground because this enables the pinning of the feet and increases the likelihood of hitting opponent with the tsume if the saki missed.


7.Yotsu Waza (Four step technique): In closed position, lunge strike to sternum with tsukagashira. Shift into cat stance and gedan barai in open position to block weapon strike and trap. Shuffle into front stance and thrust at opponent’s throat with the saki. Gedan barai with sai in closed position.


You can do each of these steps 10-20 times each with each side or more, depending on how much you want to work with it.

Martial Arts Blog:http://bujutsublogger.blogspot.com/

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Yeah i thought she was holding them wrong but i still want to be able to do the thing she does. She holds the sai the wrong way and rotates her wrists so it looks like the sai are spinning. Its harder to do it holding the proper way for this move.

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