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Top 10 Self Defense Martial Arts

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i will master this one style...


Great. If that's what you want to do, then by all means do it. Any one style can offer a lifetime of study to try mastering it.

...and become a great fighter.


Sure, but you must understand that it will take a lot longer than if you cross trained. And when you eventually become a great fighter, you still may be a bit less great than you would've been if you cross trained.


But if these shortcomings are acceptable by your standards, then good luck and enjoy your journey!



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Obviously kali/escrima/arnis or Krabi Krabong would be the best art for the situation that John G mentioned, as these are knife-based arts.


How about this situation: Your friend is drunk and starts becoming violent. Which art is the best art now ?


Firstly he is drunk, six foot six and bullet proof. Diffuse the situation by massaging his ego.


If he is violent towards some other person try to talk him out of it, if you have to intervene because A) The guy he is picking on is you or B) The poor sole he is picking on is much weaker and doesn’t really deserve this kind of abuse or C) As much as you like the 7 foot hells angel biker to fill you friends abusive mouth in, you promised the bride that you’d have him at church tomorrow in one piece.


In these cases, I feel martial arts that deal with joint locks, holds and take downs would be better suited, after all he is your mate and you did take him down the pub. I would be obliged if someone could kindly tell me what arts predominantly use these techniques.


John G Jarrett

III Dan, ITF Taekwon-Do

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In my experience from bouncing, I found elements from BJJ and Goju-ryu helped in these sorts of situations. I could control someone and if they got out of hand I'd choke them unconscious. That way no-one's hurt.

BJJ - Black Belt under John Will (Machado)

Shootfighting - 3rd Degree Black Belt

TKD - Black Belt

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if they got out of hand I'd choke them unconscious. That way no-one's hurt.
:D :D


Being a bouncer with hands on experience (pardon the pun) certainly helps, just one question with regard to elements from BJJ and Goju-ryu; at what level of rank or how long does it takes before you are taught the skills required to be competent dealing with this kind of situation?





John G Jarrett

III Dan, ITF Taekwon-Do

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When I did Goju I already had a black belt in TKD, and my goju instructor was also a bouncer so he showed me a few tricks that were very handy. As far as BJJ - depending on the school of course - in nearly the first class you’re taught how to do a rear-naked choke from behind.


None of the techniques I used as a bouncer required a lot of skill or expertise, so if you’re interested in learning that stuff the best bet would be to get a private lesson or ask your instructor specific questions on those types of techniques.


One bit of advice though – stay away from wrist locks. Too hard to put on –especially if the guy is sweaty – and pain compliance techniques don’t work on people who don’t feel pain e.g. they’re drunk, high or pissed off.

BJJ - Black Belt under John Will (Machado)

Shootfighting - 3rd Degree Black Belt

TKD - Black Belt

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the think that really ticks me off to no end sometimes is how we all asume our feet have no value in a street fight. since the big wig here seems to be a shotokan fighter, ill talk shotokan for a second. you know how in shotokan youguys love to refer to parts of your body as weapons? and you have like 8 basic ones really? (knees, feet, fist, elbows0 will just because you lost one weapon why are you saying your screwed when theres still 7 more at your disposal! just a thought, but if i had 7 machine guns i wouldnt cry about looseing one, if i was in that situation? use your feet dammit!


good point fire ka i didnt think of it like that

"When I fight, I fight with my heart,and soul. My heart, and soul is Shotokan Karate."

Shotokan_fighters creed

"karate has to come natural in a fight, if you have to think about using karate in a fight, you will loose the fight"

3rd kyu brown belt - shotokan karate

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the think that really ticks me off to no end sometimes is how we all asume our feet have no value in a street fight. since the big wig here seems to be a shotokan fighter, ill talk shotokan for a second. you know how in shotokan youguys love to refer to parts of your body as weapons? and you have like 8 basic ones really? (knees, feet, fist, elbows0 will just because you lost one weapon why are you saying your screwed when theres still 7 more at your disposal! just a thought, but if i had 7 machine guns i wouldnt cry about looseing one, if i was in that situation? use your feet dammit!


I'd say the fact that you have been stabbed in the side twice and have had several fingers removed is the bigger issue. :P You'll probrably pass out in a minute or so after being stabbed twice in the side.


I think that the best style in that situation would be a striking art of some kind. It does depend, however on some other factors such as the stance and technique of the knife-wielder. There are nearly as many knife-fighting styles as there are unarmed styles, so it's kind of wide open there still.


I will say, though, I much prefer this style of "what would you do if" scenario to some of the other ones that have been posted. Alot of the responses to those seem to be of the nature "I'd do this, then this, then that, then I'd do this.." all while assuming that all of your moves would be successful and the other person has no clue what to do and basically just stands still. I much prefer the more "interactive" style that was presented here.

Paladin - A holy beat down in the name of God!

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WoooOOooo.... looks like I hit a raw nerve !

progital son your saying shotokan is to slow, try fighting me and then say its to slow.


Okay - I'll meet you in the carpark outside the bar and we'll touch hands.






Self-defense is only an illusion, a dark cloak beneath which lurks a razor-sharp dagger waiting to be plunged into the first unwary victim. Sifu Wong.

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I don't know guys....everybody keeps trashing tae kwon do but I'm pretty sure I could pair up well against you karate or MTs. The tae kwon do i study is WTF but the instructor has added some Chun Kuk Do, which has some Tang Soo Do and Jujitsu mixed in, which makes this TKD a bit stronger than the normal wood breaking type. I know this wasnt on topic but i felt it was necessary because no-one's stepped up for TKD.
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I don't know guys....everybody keeps trashing tae kwon do but I'm pretty sure I could pair up well against you karate or MTs. The tae kwon do i study is WTF but the instructor has added some Chun Kuk Do, which has some Tang Soo Do and Jujitsu mixed in, which makes this TKD a bit stronger than the normal wood breaking type. I know this wasnt on topic but i felt it was necessary because no-one's stepped up for TKD.


no one know what you can do, I would suggest finding a local Muay Thai gym and testing your theory.

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