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FULL contact roundhouse


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I need some tips on my full contact spinning roundhouse kick, basically what i'm doing is my leg when it lifts of the floor is coming in in a diagnal line instead of a horizontal line. I didnt explain it very well so make what u can of it. :)

"When my enemy contracts I expand and when he expands I contract" - Bruce Lee

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I'm not sure what you are refering to as a spining roundhouse, but if you are having problems, go back and look at your basics. That is where I usually find my problems lie, I get sloppy with some part of my basics. Sparing with contact, you will naturally tend to rush things a little and make mistakes.


Are you turning the supporting foot enough? Bringing the knee high enough? Hips into the kick? Ballance or coordination problems (which usually translate to not enough practice)?


One other possibility, which isn't really a problem. Sometimes a roundhouse kick riseing at 45' can sneak in under his guard when a horizontal kick would be picked. You may be unconsciously adapting the kick to fit the opening, which is a good thing. So if you can do the kick correctly in the air or on a bag, you may be ok. And if this kick is getting in, for Pete's sake don't change it just to look good!

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a spinning round kick???? lol, no offense, but why would you want to do a spinning round kick? that sounds to me like it wouldnt work at all in a fight. why spin thats wasted motion.

"When I fight, I fight with my heart,and soul. My heart, and soul is Shotokan Karate."

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I believe you might be talking about a spinning turning kick, which is similar to a spinning hook kick except that the leg is only slightly bent on impact, which makes it slightly slower than a hook kick, but more powerful. The attacking tool is the heel of the foot.


Unfortunately however, I don't have any suggestions on improving Rich_2k3's technique other than making sure that the supporting foot is pointed away enough and is far enough past your rear foot.


To Shotokan_Fighter:


You would want to spin in order to create power from the torque of your hips, like if you wind up an elastic band and then release it.


If you work on wearing your opponent down or distracting them, you can find plenty of time to execute the technique. I think it is important to use techniques which attack from different directions and different angles in order to confuse your opponent and make them move their guard around to get them to expose a clear target.


To execute a spinning back kick, from a boxing stance with your left foot forward, your front leg would move to the right, past your other foot and be pointed up to 180 degrees away from your opponent (pointed backwards) - you would then be in a position to lift your rear leg and use the torque from your hip position to slam your opponent with your rear leg.


I saw a great knockout using this technique in the K-1, it was aimed at the outside of the leg and the guy on the receiving end just crumpled. Can't remember who it was though...

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On the spinning round kick....


A spinning thrust kick can be very effective in a fight and in sparring. Unlike most spinning kicks it is thrown at close range and even if it is blocked it is so powerful it usually knocked the person backwards. I love this kick. In fact I consider it my best techinque.

(General George S. Patton Jr.) "It's the unconquerable soul of man, and not the nature of the weapon he uses, that ensures victory."

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i wouldnt do it, but i do know the spinning back kick and i have done it before, but i still wouldnt do that kick, i care nothing for spinning kicks, i have enouph power to where i dont need to spin to create more.

"When I fight, I fight with my heart,and soul. My heart, and soul is Shotokan Karate."

Shotokan_fighters creed

"karate has to come natural in a fight, if you have to think about using karate in a fight, you will loose the fight"

3rd kyu brown belt - shotokan karate

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he means full contact roundhouse kick following threw not spinning



Trodai Karate, Brown Belt 1nd Kyu

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