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Boxing Gloves.


There main purpose is to protect your hands.


Because your hands are protected you can throw differnt types of punches, ones which would normally cause hand injury.


Now Bare knuckle boxing ive heard is a completely differnt style, and at one point was outlawed as it was to brutal. When someone threw a punch it was a wake up call.


I love boxing its great but Im looking to learn the bare knuckle style. I think it would be more street effective. Im sure a lot of the stances and footwork is the same but what are the differences ? Im sure there is some info on this, somewhere on the net.


What type of training did the bareknuckle fighters do ?


Did they punch heavy bags ?


What training aids did they use ie: punching bag, focus mits ,lift big heavy rocks etc. ?

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i recall hearing that they dipped their hands into some type of liquid....don;t remember what it was or the purpose, it might have been to strengthen their hands and knuckles so they wouldn't break as easily. Back in the old days when they did that, turn of the century 1900s and late 1800s i think, they would have matches that were literally over 100 rounds, also the majority of the boxers of the time were from England, I think that it might have been something to do with a status and class of life styles back then.

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Those were some tough mofo's. They did a lot of things differently. Punches to the head weren't as hard without the protection of gloves, and they had to hit correctly or they'd dammage their own fist. Their stance was also more upright, more like many martial arts stances. They also used the back knuckle strike a lot. It was one of their primary strikes. Check out the link above. It has a lot ofgood information in it.

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Thanks for the info I ended up finding soem more webpages and like you said those were soem tough guys.


Apparently the longest ever bareknuckle match lasted 114 rounds and was declared a draw at sunset. And those wernt 2 or 3 minute rounds either they lasted untill someone got knocked down. Now thats endurance!


The other interesting bit of information I came across was that Some Doctors believe that bare knuckle boxing is safer then modern professional boxing. There argument is that since you dont hit as hard with a cushioned surface the brain doesnt get knocked around. Sure the bareknuckle punches hurt more and you get cut more but the brain sustains far far less injury. Brain injuries would almost be non existent with bareknuckle boxing.


I also found a site with a bunch of moves and stances I still believe the sport form of boxing is great and you can develop lots of power and good physical condition It seems quite easy to be able to switch from a modern glove boxing posture to an old style if you were in a street fight.


If anyone else has any other info or comments Id be glad to hear them.

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One of the chaps I train with can break breeze blocks (spelling?) with his punches. He recommends working on fingerip pushups - starting off on five fingers - those hand gripper things and using a bucket full of beans (not baked beans) and striking it with a spearhand and punches. When you are OK with this, he recommends moving onto sand. He also recommends heavy bag work and makiwara.


According to him, the idea is basically to increase the density of the fist. I'm just passing this on, this isn't from first hand experience.


I think that if you apply surgical spirit to an area it hardens it up... but I haven't tried it.

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The other interesting bit of information I came across was that Some Doctors believe that bare knuckle boxing is safer then modern professional boxing. There argument is that since you dont hit as hard with a cushioned surface the brain doesnt get knocked around. Sure the bareknuckle punches hurt more and you get cut more but the brain sustains far far less injury. Brain injuries would almost be non existent with bareknuckle boxing.


Yes, that is a well known fact. You don't get so many "punch-drunk" veterans from kickboxing, thaiboxing, kyokushin and other such styles where kicks to the head are allowed. As a couple of kicks or knees to the head will often knock you out, you won't be getting pounded in the head for half an hour with cushioned blows. One knockout is no match for half hour constant beating as far as brain damage is concerned.

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Bare kunckle boxing was something that sort of grew out of the 19th century. If you look back to the achient Greeks and Romans where boxing first came from they covered their hands in a leather wrap to protect the hand.


Anytime I have saw the (bare kunckle fighteres) in film they always stand with their DUKES up. You know the stance I am refering to. I would think this is so they can have a better shot to the chin because they would not risk hitting a guy in the forehead and breaking his own hand. Again I really know nothing about it.

(General George S. Patton Jr.) "It's the unconquerable soul of man, and not the nature of the weapon he uses, that ensures victory."

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Bare kunckle boxing was something that sort of grew out of the 19th century. If you look back to the achient Greeks and Romans where boxing first came from they covered their hands in a leather wrap to protect the hand.


Yeah, they called them Cestus. They normally had metal studs or spikes on them to, and htey where mainly used to brutalize your foe even more. Many Warrior wore them in battle aswell, to beat the crap out of there foe if the fighting go to close for the sword and spear.



Anytime I have saw the (bare kunckle fighteres) in film they always stand with their DUKES up. You know the stance I am refering to. I would think this is so they can have a better shot to the chin because they would not risk hitting a guy in the forehead and breaking his own hand.


What are you fererrnig to is good old fastion Fisticuffs. It is the stance taken by the Mascot of the Notra Dam, right? With the backs of the fist facing you oppenent? Yeah. It was a bit different from the boxing we see today, and it was more a street fighting style then a sport.



Again I really know nothing about it.


Nah, you have a pretty good grasp, I just wanted to fill a we things in.

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