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Do it slow cause you might destroy the person your trying it on.


That's the point. Take a person off balance by getting under the balance of that person. We were also taught to bend low and attack the knees when throwing, it could dislocate the knees. If you like rent Extreme Cat Fighting and see a judoka use a proper throw. She breaks the other persons leg with the throw. :brow:

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Yeah, but you don't want to destroy your training partner. I meant try it slow when practicing it, or your hurt your partner. Yeah that is the point.

"It is easier to find men who will volunteer to die, than to find those who

are willing to endure pain with patience."

"Lock em out or Knock em out"

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I agree wif TJS, from what u've said, Greco-Roman wrestling would be ideal. Amazin throws like judo only without the Gi. I would recommend Sambo, but we might have too much ground-work for you. Still we do both wrestling and judo takedowns so we have have strong takedowns but my gym tends to focus on the ground, however if you go to a gym that teached olympic style Sambo, you would have wat you want.

"razor elbows, killer knees, iron fists and monster kicks"

"Nice punch!!!, now let's see how well you punch with a broken arm"

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Well guys, it turns out my University doesn't have any wrestling. It just has karate (which I'm already a part of), kung fu (wing chun and wushu) and fencing.


So I might go to the local judo club. I haven't been able to find a wrestling or sambo gym anywhere yet.

22 years old


Formerly Wado-Kai Karate

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I'm gonna get killed by my friends for saying this but in alll honesty if you want to learn the most bone crunching throws then I recommend combat shuai chiao. It is the grand daddy of jujutsu and judo and was the original style of kung fu. It has strikes but is primarilly a grappling art that is making a slow come back. The difference between shuai chiao and judo is in the way the chinese set up the throw and belive me it makes all the difference in the world.

Tapped out, knocked out, or choked out...Take your pick.




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I stayed in Judo not only cause of the combat techniques but more for the mental training. Jigoro Kano didn't father Judo totally for tearing the other person's head off on every maneuver...he created it to help people be better people and a better part of the community while being able to defend themselves and also to be in better physical shape. Judoka are sorta like a church youth group members on pcp :D...really nice but they can beat you up. I read further and further into the history and teachings of Judo (thanks to JudoInfo.com) and the more I read the more I was interested and sure I made the right choice in choosing a martial art. Judo is the gentle way of fighting AND living. I apply what I've learned from Judo to everyday situations that come up with continued success.

There are two types of people in the world. Those that find excuses and those that find a way.


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Know of any shuai chiao clubs in toronto?


Also, does it have the same kind of competition as judo or wrestling?


The karate I do is way too much budo and philosiphizing and stuff. I just want to throw people around!!

22 years old


Formerly Wado-Kai Karate

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Hey Doktervet, I'm not sure if there are any in Toronto,sorry dude. You can try a search online and look up combat shuai chiao and get some info. But from what I can tell you they are VERY selective in who they will train usually reserving their stuff for cops and military people. But on occasion they will train civilians. And yes they do have the world Shuai Chiao championchips in beijing China. It's a serious grappling competition with some monster throws. Combat style shuai chiao is a little diferent from the competition stuff because the throws are designed to make the victim land on their head or any part of the body that will cause serious injury in conjunction with chokes, locks, and strikes. This is some kick * stuff!!!

Tapped out, knocked out, or choked out...Take your pick.




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Here is some info from the main website combatshuaichiao.com




Shuai-Chiao's Modern Evolution &


the Birth of American Combat Shuai-Chiao Association


During ancient times, Shuai-Chiao's earliest usage was as a military hand-to-hand combat training system. Following the Chin Dynasty (after 246 B.C.), the art of Shuai-Chiao began to disseminate into the general populace with the establishment of safer competition rules. Even from its earliest beginnings, most of the well-known Shuai-Chiao practitioners were also experienced in other forms of martial arts. Because of this, some teachers incorporated the striking techniques from other systems while teaching their students. Thus, strong techniques from other striking arts can be seen during combat situations when Shuai-Chiao is applied.


In order to preserve the essence of Shuai-Chiao's original fighting science and its true application in combat, some of Gransmaster Ch'ang Tung-sheng's students organized the American Combat Shuai-Chiao Association in 1990. Currently, there are four main branches of the American Combat Shuai-Chiao Association. These branches are overseen by the senior-most members of the association who trained with Grandmaster Ch'ang. The contact information for each branch is listed below, as is a short instructor bio for each of the branch holder.


In addition to the sport-style competition, we also have developed the combat-style Shuai-Chiao competition. For the safety of the participants, body armor is worn to allow the fullest expression of combat technique under the most realistic situations possible, while mitigating the risk of permanent or serious injury.

Tapped out, knocked out, or choked out...Take your pick.




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