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Again, a question on this art . . .


As one who trains in Okinawan karate, would the study of Hsing I, Xingyi, et al, be beneficial to me?


Not really a question I felt needed to be asked, I just got tired of seeing all these "Dragonball Ki" threads.


Buncha hippies. Everyone knows that Isshinryu is the only way to fly . . . :brow:


"Excuse you."

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  • 1 month later...
Hsing Yi is a great art. If it can teach him internel power he will benifite no matter what othere art he dose. Ba gau is really good to.

"You punch like a pig and kick like a dog"

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  • 4 weeks later...
Again, a question on this art . . .


As one who trains in Okinawan karate, would the study of Hsing I, Xingyi, et al, be beneficial to me?


Possibly, though, having watched karateka, I'd suggest the power generation methods are incompatible.


That being said, I suspect you get a whole new perspective on some of the bunkai in your kata. Specifically, I'd posit you'd become more comfortable at a really close/zero range striking.

Not really a question I felt needed to be asked, I just got tired of seeing all these "Dragonball Ki" threads.


Indeed. Internal systems have way more than their fair share of fakes, mountebacks, scoundrels, and nincompoops.

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