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Are you a Christian?


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I'm suggest finding a group you like, and start going to that church, talk with the Leader of that church, tell him your situation. Remimber, they do have McJesus Churches, don't let the posers cause you to stumble, find the truth! The following is a great forum that I'm a part of, they talk about all kinds of good stuff, Christianity being the focus, ofcourse. Those guys can answer your questions. It might be a good palce to start.



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Telson-anyone can call themself a christian, but to be correct, you have to believe Jesus died for sins, and rose, and ask for forgiveness. (John 3:16) And also, whether it is an escape from reality or not, it doesen't hurt to stay out of hell. (and, on a positive note, go to heaven.)

If you can't laugh at yourself, there's no point. No point in what, you might ask? there's just no point.

Many people seem to take Karate to get a Black Belt, rather than getting a Black Belt to learn Karate.

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Thanks all!!


Well I have a few more thoughts............


I know about Jesus dying for our sins, but cannot truly confess to fully appreciating it, in a Christian sense. So what will make me realise? Do I need preaching to?


I do not have a desire to fulfill a criteria to become a Christian. I do not feel the need to be a Christian but I want to have 'God' by my side, so to speak. I don't know if this makes sense. Reading it again it reads something like I want to practice karate without becoming a karateka!!!Obviously I am struggling to say what I mean, still a little bewildered I guess.



The following is a great forum that I'm a part of, they talk about all kinds of good stuff, Christianity being the focus, ofcourse


Thank Tibby I'll take a look.


Please except my questions for what they are; naive. No offence is meant by anything that I write.

I keep asking God what I'm for and he tells me........."gee I'm not sure!"

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Reading it again it reads something like I want to practice karate without becoming a karateka.


Pretty close. Its very difficult to appreciate the essense of karate-do without having studied AND practiced it for many years. It would be very difficult for a white belt to understand the significance of a particular kata or perhaps a move in a kata.


The same can be said for Christianity. Having studied a little theology at university, I have a much greater respect for those people in our society, such as priests, who have spent a large portion of their lives learning about the topic.


Its not really possible to explain karate to someone in a few hours so that they become great karateka. The body must develop and learn through practice particular psycho-motor actions. There is little substitute for experience.


Likewise, the Christian faith cannot be devalued to a few hours of teaching either. Sure the basics can be explained quickly. But indepth understanding takes years of study AND practice.


One of my original Sensei's once said to me: "The more you know, the more you realise you don't know." I think the same can be applied to religion. If you think you know alot about Christianity, I ask you, how much do you really know?

Keep Smiling!

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Yeshua (Jesus) is God in human form , sent to dwell with us, to live among us, to offer us salvation from our sins. He sacrificed His life as the final offering-so that we could be forever cleansed as long as we believed in Him. Believing this and inviting Him into your heart so that you can be freed from the bondage of earthly sin is all that is required to become a "christian". This however is only the first step in developing a relationship with Him. Study and fellowship with other "christians" is not a requirement but is helpful as they have been on the journey longer and can guide you, give you support, answer questions, etc. Prayer can offer guidance in choosing what direction to go-and there aren't any prerequisites to worry about. Sounds like your sensei could be a great resource and inspiration for you!



"A Black Belt is only the beginning."

Heidi-A student of the arts

Tae Kwon Do,Shotokan,Ju Jitsu,Modern Arnis


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"The longer I live the more convincing proofs I see of this truth, that God governs in the affairs of men. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without His notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without His aid?" Benjamin Franklin

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