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Thanks to reading the thread "my sensai" , by Fireka, I came up with this idea.


I am thinking that we can all help each other by promoting our styles


If you are an instructor place your name and a way for others to contact you for information on your style.


Also if you would speak to your instructors, maybe they would also agree to the idea of this thought on promoting your school to other martial artsist. If you could just list names of instructors that you have learned under. If possible , with their permission, also leave a way to contact them for questions and information on styles that they teach.


Tim Moore -many styles studied and teaches a mixed styles/ hybrid form of combat related martial arts along with being an assistant instructor in Kaju Kenbo and Tae Kwon Do


Tim Byers- mantis and tiger kung fu


Tom Smith- hybrid style of TKD, KSW,TSD,and many others


Tom Folley- TKD, and a from of kung fu


Jeff Smith- TKD


Eileen Folley-TKD


Ed McKey- kung fu


Ron Jared- multiple styles, TKD, karate


Melissa Blower- TKD


Tavin Weeda- TKD


JoJo Button- karate, tkd


Nathan Rudibaugh- hybrid TKD, kaju kenbo, kenpo, muay thai and many other styles


Cody Langille- wing chung kung fu, iado, endo, tkd, karate, many others


Joshua Sylvester- capoeria


Jim Lighting- many styles (deceased)


Sherri Smith- TKD


Mathew Saft-TKD


Rob Broillard-Judo, Jujitsu


many others but i will work on contact info and get their first and last names for the ones that i have forgotten

That which does not destroy me will only make me stronger

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