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The truth about the whole KI story...

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Granmasterchen, Fireka and Isakowski.


I have an open mind willing to accept anything, EXCEPT those ideas and notions proven to be false through my life experience.


Be wary of those who promise you hope or mind powers for money, they have their own agenda, and you are only a means to their profitable ends.


Follow your dreams, achieve the unachievable, but do it not at the expense of others.


If you have a natural gift, share it with others freely. If you seek fame or fortune through your abilities will loose your gift forever and become bitter.


Your eyes, ears and sensors can be fooled, keep an open mind and beware of the charlatan.


Synaesthesia and JerryLove are only trying to help. You can choose to accept our advice and knowledge or you can do it the hard way.


I did it the hard way, have a few emotional and physical scars, but for the most part enjoyed, and still enjoy the journey.





John G Jarrett

III Dan, ITF Taekwon-Do

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i, through my own experiences of using ki/chi, believe that anything is possibel, i can do breaks with no difficulty through generating my chi, i can also sense others around me, and can sometimes feel what others are thinking, i can control my pain, blow out candles from a few inches away, stop my blood flow from having a serious injury, slow my heart rate and other little things like giving myself power, if i can do this, and i know that more can be achieved, who is to say that you can't keep building on that, if a woman can rip the door off of a car while her child is stuck inside what is stoping some one from picking up the car, i think that the only think that holds us back is our own mental barriers that tell us this is impossible. My example is a martial arts class that was taught here in Japan a few years ago, the class was all given a sheet of paper, then another held out a wooden chop stick in front of the student, the student was then required to break the chop stick with the piece of paper, all the adults failed, the paper flopped arounded and wouldn't even stay straight to hit the chop stick, yet every single child in the class was able to keep the sheet of paper perfectly straight and slice the chop stick in half, the reason is that for the adults and older children the concept was impossible in their minds, yet the little and younger children didn't know better so they performed it over and over with out difficulty and found the adults to be silly and humorous.

That which does not destroy me will only make me stronger

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It's hardly support to say "many people have been wrong about other things". At present, you have a strong, positive claim with no viable support offered. Simple assertion (which is really all your offer), particularly assertion which flies in the face of reasonable understanding is hardly a useful tool in determaning anything but the mindset of the person making the assertion.

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You have indeed controlled mastery over your own body, these skills take many years to develop and refine. You may have also notice how you don’t suffer from colds and influenza as others, and because cancer is something your body creates you will find that it is also something your body can destroy.


These are things you can control, but alas we are only human and eventually we will all die. There is a danger in believing that all thing are possible, and some how our minds can control the physical world just through though.


Have you ever stood on the ledge of a tall building with your toes on the edge and wondered if the laws of physics were just rubbish and you really could just levitate, just one step further. All because you read in some book that because you think an object exists is does exist, therefore if something is dangerous think it non-threatening and you won’t get hurt. I have.


Don’t get me wrong I haven’t got and never had a suicidal death wish, it’s just the books I read when I was younger.


The kicker comes when after many years of believing what is written is true, the author dies, the one who was never going to die.


After all you believe to be true is proven wrong you wonder about those poor souls who did take that one step further from the ledge and bounced. Were they wrong because they had a second of doubt before they hit the pavement? Or was it the rich author’s warped sense of reality?


The chopstick thing is something I wouldn’t mind seeing some day, however I believe the woman who lifted the car off one of her trapped children saved the kid but suffered massive muscular and spinal injuries.


Mind control over ones own body is one thing; mind control over the physical world is something I no longer believe in.



John G Jarrett

III Dan, ITF Taekwon-Do

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i, through my own experiences of using ki/chi, believe that anything is possibel, i can do breaks with no difficulty through generating my chi


I've taught people with no training to go through a concrete slab in a matter of minutes... no chi required.

i can also sense others around me, and can sometimes feel what others are thinking


I'm thinking now about what clothes I'm wearing. Tell my what I'm wearing and I'll come study from you.

blow out candles from a few inches away


Put the candle inside a window (closed) and stand outside and do it. See how that works.

stop my blood flow from having a serious injury


This isn't really a sentance. are you claiming you've had a major artery open up and not bled out without applying pressure? Which one?

slow my heart rate and other little things like giving myself power


I think we all agree that the brain controls herat-rate. So far, you've offered nothing I would have said "you can't do that".

if a woman can rip the door off of a car while her child is stuck inside what is stoping some one from picking up the car


Off the ground entirely? Physics. Off the ground partially? Nothing at all, I have several friends that can do it... none are in martial arts.


I also have no reports at all of an intact door being taken off its hinges by an individual... care to support?

My example is a martial arts class that was taught here in Japan a few years ago, the class was all given a sheet of paper, then another held out a wooden chop stick in front of the student, the student was then required to break the chop stick with the piece of paper, all the adults failed, the paper flopped arounded and wouldn't even stay straight to hit the chop stick, yet every single child in the class was able to keep the sheet of paper perfectly straight and slice the chop stick in half, the reason is that for the adults and older children the concept was impossible in their minds, yet the little and younger children didn't know better so they performed it over and over with out difficulty and found the adults to be silly and humorous.


While I reserve judgement on the credability of your claim, you still have not defied physics any more than me putting a straw through an orange does (which is to say 'not at all").


Show me one person lifting a weight over 2000 lbs (and BTW, that one's possible skelatally, unlike many of your claims).

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what would you say it takes to break bricks then? is it shear muscle? I have seen little kids do this, believe me they can't normally crush a can of soda.


i doubt that i can blow out candles through a window, seeing as how i rely on the wind from my strikes, but hey i will try it for you.


I can sense the presence of someone behind me, not tell what you are wearing, if you are around me, i can usually tell what you are thinking about, yet this can also be going off of facial expressians, posture and other nonverbal forms of communication, i am not a sci fi channel mcmaster....but i will guess .....a pink tu tu


now as for stopping my blood flow, i received a nice wound a few years ago, where i had a piece of metal go completely through my foot, blood was squirting out everywhere, and i had lost over a pint or two of blood, i elvate my leg and relaxed and concentrated on the wound and the blood, and it stopped bleeding, i think this counts for something.


if you need stories of people ripping off car doors look on line under adrenaline, i am sure that you will find several stories along with psychological and physiological proof to show how it works and as far as i am concerned a way to control these hormones in the brain and body and therefore compare it to chi/ki/qi, but this is only my view you can still disagree with it.


who said that we had to defy physics? I think that all of these things are possible and therefore under the laws of physics, i am not on another world where we breathe liquid sulfur and walk on the ground that revolves around our head due to our own generated gravity pull.....those go against our laws of physics on our world....

That which does not destroy me will only make me stronger

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The chopstick thing is something I wouldn’t mind seeing some day, however I believe the woman who lifted the car off one of her trapped children saved the kid but suffered massive muscular and spinal injuries.


Mind control over ones own body is one thing; mind control over the physical world is something I no longer believe in.




You woudnl't hurt yourself to save your child?

The amateur shoots his hands out ferociously, but lacks any true power. A master is not so flamboyant, but his touch is as heavy as a mountain.

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everybody has the ability to do things like that. For different interpretations, like say gran you say it's chi and another person on here said it was god helping them. Like when the lady ( it was a grandma ) lifted a car off her grand son to save him. Was that her physical strength? No. Was it her chi? Maybe. Was it god helping her save her child? Maybe. All you can bet on is that she had every ounce of her energy mental and physical concentrating on saving the child, anyway possibile. So you decide, was it faith or whatever?


The only experience i've had with this stuff is when I was young we had a big wooden dresser filled with books and my brother was playing around it when it feel on him, because my other brother was pushing it while he was pulling it ( my older brother is mentally challenged and he was about 16 ) and it fell on my little borther. Now usually i couldn't even open a draw, but when I saw him under there I seemed to gather strength that I never had before and lift it back up against the wall. It felt as if god was lifting the dresser with me, that I had the strength of 10 men, at the time I was 9 years old.

The amateur shoots his hands out ferociously, but lacks any true power. A master is not so flamboyant, but his touch is as heavy as a mountain.

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I see what you are saying gran, whenever I try to do those things in the back of my mind I keep saying ,this is dumb it's impossible why am I even bothering with this. And then I try to focus harder and still nothing happens but I feel alot better :D

The amateur shoots his hands out ferociously, but lacks any true power. A master is not so flamboyant, but his touch is as heavy as a mountain.

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i persist to enter this forum, although it continues to disappoint me. Flying in the face of reality? hum, will see. As for natural gift, yes i do have a natural gift many have but dont understand, they treat it like a disease and don't relize they are perhaps even the next step in the evolutionary chain, but i won't get into that. JerryLove, while still a marvel of the energy manipulation world you disappoint me with a great flaw, that you have no faith in your own abilities. then again, as you love to show me and the rest of us here (rightfully so) that good statments without proof are not even worthy of stateing. will then i have yet to not except a challange. what feat is it you wish for me to perform? tell me, and i promise you i will do everything possible (and impossible) to show it to you before your death.

"i could dance like that!.......if i felt like it...." -Master Betty

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