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The truth about the whole KI story...

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Ki isnt a specially energy. It has to do with our nerves and our brain.


Perhaps you now, how our nerves functions. Ever used a passiv muscle stimulator? it sends electric energy to our muscles... So our brian sends electric energy to our muscles too, but also to our ears, our stomach, pains...


And if u can turn off the energy for feeling pain, you can use it to cantract your muscles, or feel some heat. That what the wholerelaxing thing means:


if your muscles are contractet by stress or something, your energy is wasted in this muscles. "The flow of energy is broken"


For exapample, try out punching with wheigted gloves, or something like that, wheights about 12kg i think ar good. Now you cant think about other things, otherwise you cant punch. For a good and fast punch with 12kg gloves, you need your full brian energy. Nad when you put off the gloves, you have more power in the punch then before. Why? The energy flows through the nerves are now trained to reach their targets in the muscles automaticly with the same power than before...


The same thing is for feeling heat in hands: The nerves sends energy to the hands to feel somethings. This makes your hands a little bit hotter.


But i dont think you will ever be able to move cars by thinking aboutmoving a car. Same thing for flying... Thats the story of cartoons like Dragonball.

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parts of things you have said i agree with, but something i dis agree with that even great ki students such as Jerry here have said that i FIRMLY disagree with is: Never, EVER underestimate human potential because you are very likely to be proven wrong. we have 4000 times the power we think we do.

"i could dance like that!.......if i felt like it...." -Master Betty

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right now with the fact that we can only control a small 10% of our brain we are limited in what we can do, we can still perform miraculous feats that amaze many in the world, yet if we had control of even say 20 % or 30 % of our brain, like fireka said, we could do stuff that we would only see in cartoons and anime, if we could unlock our mind we could do anything....or almost anything, i truely believe with full control of our minds we could crush cars, fly shoot lasers what ever, but as for human evolution right now we can't , if someone unlocks that part of their brain, then who knows what they can do.

That which does not destroy me will only make me stronger

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that is exectly, and i mean right on the money, what i was thinking about! but who says we have to wait for evolution? i mean maybe we have to, but i think we can still push it forward, we should try with everything we got and dont let simple stuff, like the laws of physics, get us down, the idea is to use them to our advantage. :)

"i could dance like that!.......if i felt like it...." -Master Betty

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true, i think that a large factor that holds us back is society, being raised as a child we are told what is hard what is soft what is impossible and what is real, children can break boards and stuff quicker than adults, why? because they have not been around long enough to know that they should not be physically capable of the act, if we get past this social barrier in our mind we can push our selves to further hights, the more we push the better chance that our offspring will have a better chance to out do us, mankind as a whole doesnt use the brain for these tasks, if we all started to , mankind would adapt and evolve to make it more possible for us to achive these tasks.

That which does not destroy me will only make me stronger

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right now with the fact that we can only control a small 10% of our brain we are limited in what we can do, we can still perform miraculous feats that amaze many in the world, yet if we had control of even say 20 % or 30 % of our brain, like fireka said, we could do stuff that we would only see in cartoons and anime, if we could unlock our mind we could do anything....or almost anything, i truely believe with full control of our minds we could crush cars, fly shoot lasers what ever, but as for human evolution right now we can't , if someone unlocks that part of their brain, then who knows what they can do.


We use 100% of our brain. Any neurons not in use die. http://faculty.washington.edu/chudler/tenper.html


While it may be true that we don't reach our full mental potential, the way mental energies go to work to crush cars, shoot lasers is the hard way: scientific progress and technological development.


Sorry people, there is no chi shortcut. Only persistence, organzization, hard work and discipline can do it.

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Ok. I trained i Philipines. There where many psychos who could dovery interesting things with theirmind. But they all believed in go and jesus. They didnt really understand whats gong on. Fact is, they believed they could do this, and there werent any blockades which held them up to do this things. But the most important thing i learned was, like granmasterchen said, they learned it by hard as they were children. Many times i saw little boys, about 2 or 3 years, who were jumping from 3 meter high trees and without hurting themselves. Then the older people said me, that when you let children do something, they dont need to be afraid. When you try to jump from a 3 meter high tree, you just thinking about how not to get hurt, cause your mother always said to let it be, cause you getting hurt. Then your mother made a barrier, whichcant be removed. i think believing in his own doings can help. in phillipines they belive, that nothing can get wrong, then god is always helping...
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I've seen an iguana drop off a 30 foot roof onto concrete without injury.. but I don't think it was chi.


That said, I'm still known to drop off my roof onto my lawn (about 3 meters)... it's very do-able.


FirekaL my problem with your statement is that you like to place numbers on things without the ability to support them. I find a strong difference between "we can do more than we think" (which I consider a weak claim), and "if you increase your neural activity, you will be 4000 times more powerful" (a strong claim, made without real support.


I'm willing to bet that there are things that I don't think that can be done that can; and things I think that are possible that are not. But I do attempt to maintain a level of realism here... If there's someone out there juggling cars and stopping bullets, please make sure to point me at him... until then I will continue to remember the lessons of attempts to test such power (for example, the boxer's rebellion in China).

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the sound barrier wa salso an immposible barrier, as was flight itself. so was motion pictures, and dont attempt to throw in the fact that all my examples are based in technology! the four minute mile, this was an imposibility, 400 boards broken in a minute, there were 'experts' in martial arts that limited the number to 238. i do have support for that number. (which, BTW, i think it was obvious that the number i gave WAS a random example) the fact is, you can not call yourself a Martial artist if you choose to limit your abilities based on what others can do. this is a great weakness. i will not back down on that statement for anything. you say you can't juggle cars, then again im willing to bet you never seriously tried.

"i could dance like that!.......if i felt like it...." -Master Betty

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