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What Drives a Martial Artist?

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Well i enjoy martial arts because i get to make new friends. Learn how to fight, and feel part of something. I also want to do something in the week other then school. It gives me more confidence and it keeps me fit. Im learning interesting stuff. And most of all IT'S FUN!

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I agree with the social aspect of training with like minded people. I have met some of the most interesting and compassionate people within my dojo walls. Training side by side with them pushes me beyond what I thought I was capable of. Training together in Karate Do.

"There is a time in every mans education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance; that imitation is suicide; that he must take himself for better, for worse,... " Emerson

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I started training in the martial arts because I was the guy that everyone picked on when I was little :bawling: so my initial reason was to learn to fight. After years of training, I learned that the discipline that I picked uo helped me in all aspects of life and it made me cherish the arts. Now my goal is to teach others so they can change their life through the arts as it did for me. :)


Martial arts also give me a feeling of belonging. (social aspect) Why do kids join gangs? Because they feel a need to belong to something. I tell parents to let their kids join this gang where everything is positive and beneficial to them. I love the friends that I have made in the martial arts world.

What works works

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  • 4 weeks later...

for me it is the desire to be the best... ever time i hit my bag every time i feel like i cant do another mile i just repeate to myself "I will be champion, i will work harder, how bad do i want it"


i love everything about the martial arts. it may seem weird but i even like the pain associated with it, im not a masochist or any thing but every time it really hurts i just put the pain back in to training.

Fist visible Strike invisible

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I remember being 14 years old, and being really unhappy inside. Not Columbine unhappy, just really unhappy. You know Ralph Macchio's character in the Karate Kid? That was me.


After I started practicing, TKD gave me something I really needed. Not just self defense, but also a sanctuary from life. The only thing I can really compare it to is when someone discovers religion and is truly changed by it and discovers how much he really needs it.


We were talking about this the other day in class. And I thought about it long and hard. I've been training for 4 years and I really don't know why. I was like Michigin explained when I was younger. I got into MA for self defense. Then the character building helped (was also timid and had no self esteem as a kid). But I think Michigin it the nail on the head with his last three sentences, for me anyways.


I went through rough times during my 4 years of training. But MA gave me an escape from life or a "release." It helped me through those rough times. Now I just can't do without training.

Laurie F

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  • 3 weeks later...

I deffinately dont do it for the social reasons.


When I enter the dojo I enter a whole different state of mind.


I'm completely focused on my goals to learn, train hard and master what I'm doing. I hardly say a word, and I hate it when classmates try to chat about unrelated topics. Outside of class is a different story.


Rolling around on the ground with a bunch of sweaty guys aint my idea of a fun social life anyway.


It was going too far with my social life, partying and drinking, that caused me to stop training for many years.


I started training cause I wanted to move like Bruce and Jackie and those awesome Shaolin monks.Over the years my motivations have changed many times.


Now ,I know its a cliche, but it really is a way of life.


It influences every aspect of my life. Its a constant process of discipline, courage, humility,and self inspection.


I'm constantly pushing myself to face the challenges life presents and confront them with a warrior mindset .


Even if I lost the use of my limbs I think I would continue to train my mind and heart. But I sure hope that doesn't happen!

"Today is a good day to die"

Live each day as if it were your last

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  • 3 months later...

I think different things drive different martial artists, but the thing that drives me is acheivement and also it helps if you enjoy what you do as I thoroughly enjoy karate and the training sessions I go to are really good which is probably why Ive stuck at it and will continue to.

great thread!!!!!!! :D :)

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Mostly the reason I started karate was because I wanted a sport to do when I wasn't doing cross country skiing. I tried other sports(basketball, track and field, kayaking) but they just didn't cut it for me. I decided to try karate in particular because I thought that even if I didn't stick with it I might as least pick up a bit on how to defend myself (which I have, LOL I hadn't even thrown a punch ever before

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Great article! I do martial arts b/c of the friends i gained in it, the great family i have met in martial arts keeps me going..if I never had my martial arts family..I dunno where I would be, also the confidence martial arts has given me is HUGE..I used to be shy but since i started martial arts..I am not like that anymore..martial arts has changed my life for the better!!


Student of the Han Method

"Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's allready tomorrow in Australia" Charles Schultz


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