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Are breakers Marital Artist, Strength Athletes, or Both?  

8 members have voted

  1. 1. Are breakers Marital Artist, Strength Athletes, or Both?

    • Marital Artist
    • Strength Athletes
    • Both

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I was posting a thread on the General board and I got to thinking about something: Do you guys think Martial Artists who mainly go to breaking competitions should be counted as Strength athletes? Brick and board breaking are classic events in the Strongest Man Contests. So, Are breaker Martial Artist, Strength Athletes, or both?
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i think it depends on the method of the break


i, like many other martial artists do not break with sheer strength, we break with power, the force of our chi/ki


people that break with absolute muscle and stregth would be strength athletes, those that break with skill and the power of chi/ki are not


it all depends on how you break

That which does not destroy me will only make me stronger

That would make for an interesting exabition match: Current WSM champ Svend Karlsen vs. Current World Breaking Champ. Breaking bricks and blocks and board. Viking power vs. Ki
now just imagine the potential power that one of these strong men could have if they learned how to focus their skill into chi/ki.....that would be insane!

That which does not destroy me will only make me stronger

  granmasterchen said:
now just imagine the potential power that one of these strong men could have if they learned how to focus their skill into chi/ki.....that would be insane!


Yeah, I wouldn't not want to meet a Strongman with advanced training from ANY Martial Art! To be honest, I've never been much for Chi/ki. can change my mind... maybe. Most of what I've been told makes it sound like you can have amazing strength and power from Chi/Ki alone, and be a 90 lbs weakling. Your comment above leads me to beleive you don't feal this way. What are your thoughts? What kind of relationship does Muscler strength and power have with Chi/ki?


i feel there is more than one area


first you have strenght, muscles and such


then you have the control of adrenaline(mothers ripping off car doors to save their children)


then I feel there is chi/ki when you focus your mind and generate energy


the way i look at is in this order, at least for me, each one generates a large amount of force.


a 90 lbs weakling can use chi/ki to break some stuff up with no problem, it is all about learning how to do it


a person with no skill or muscle can generate alot with adrenaline alone, yet this is hard to control for individuals with no knowledge of it, and is also a rare occurance


muscle alone can get you alot because it is always there and you know how to use it from the day you're born


with adrenalin and chi you have to develope it and get the correct mind set

That which does not destroy me will only make me stronger


So you beleive you can combine them to make one mother of a break? Interesting. How do you feal one learns to controll adernaline? I have tried to "psych" my self up before a big lift, and it didn't do jack.


What do you use to break? All 3?

just a comment on siking yourself up. you know, i dont know if this will work with any one but me, maybe in concept it will. and ive never tried it with breaks, i use it when running. certain songs, depending on the situation, really get me going if i remeber them in my head, it usally has to do with how i feel they relate to my life, music is a very big deal to me, i like songs that i can compare to events happening to me currently, and if i want to envoke a memory, i litsen to the song i chosse at the time. They dont always have to be these professianal music artist platinum CD songs either, just something that envokes feeling. i mean the one that gets me going right now i heard on a video game.

"i could dance like that!.......if i felt like it...." -Master Betty

lol, I actually tired that. It works to get the blood flowing and get you excited, but it doesn’t build the energy needed to lift the weights at a contest! I had a CD burned of Eminem’s angriest songs, playing in headphones. I had the juices following, it would have been enough for me to run with increase speed on, but it didn’t get me the lift. :-( Thanks for the tip, though.

Jimmy Eat World's "The Middle" always seems to inspire me...


Anyway, I think breaking has a lot more to do with technique and conditioning than power. Sure, power has a lot to do with it, but there are a lot of other elements. You can't just lift weights and suddenly be better at breaking.

1st dan & Asst. Instructor TKD 2000-2003

No matter the tune...if you can rock it, rock it hard.

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