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Dan grading


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i look at the person being perfect in every area of the art, if you are not , then lower belts will not look up to you, you have to be something for them to strive for ....perfection, your moves must be better, faster and stronger,if a lower belt does better than you in all areas except for fighting then we have problems, great fighting is one thing, but it is not the only thing, if your school just throws out black belts good for you , but that is something that will never happen at my establishment, i want the black belts to be role models not just a person with a black belt that has been there for awhile, it is something that must be earned and it isn;'t easy to earn, therefore the respect that goes with the black belt is great, along with the responsibility

That which does not destroy me will only make me stronger

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My association does not exactly hand out black belts. But I do think that our standards are questionable. People do fail grades so a standard does exist but I do not think it is high enough. I would like to see them raised but I do not know to what extent. I also have the problem of putting my proposition to my seniors. Whom am I to question them?


I set my own standards very high, although I cannot confess to being as fit as your requirements granmasterchen :) My sensei's standards are also high but I feel that the association does not represent our values. What do you advise?

I keep asking God what I'm for and he tells me........."gee I'm not sure!"

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i would talk to my instructors aside from the class one on one and tell them of the situation, i would explain my views on it and tell them that i mean no disrespect, yet i would like to push myself, train hard and be held to a higer standard


is this a common feeling throughout the class, if so tell them that many people feel this way, and that a harder testing may be in need to make more respect or something like that, who knows, it is all up to you, speak from your heart, and tell them what you want to say, when you get their answer tell them thank you, and respect their choice, whether you agree or not, you can always train yourself harder

That which does not destroy me will only make me stronger

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First have 2 years in training after your last exam




Shuri te Kata---> Bassai dai


Naha te Kata---> Seipai


Bunkai of both katas




Abs, Push ups...etc to check your condition


Ilich Miguel Torres Fong


2nd Dan Shito kai


Central America & Caribbean Confederation of Karate Kumite Judge


Monterrey, México 8)

Im open to learn & talk about any MA or Style (all are great)

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We had a 3 day test that included all curriculm, a written exam, and several hours of conditioning. It was the greatest experience of my life!



Would you please explain what made it such a great experiance please.

I keep asking God what I'm for and he tells me........."gee I'm not sure!"

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