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Strategy and tactics:the most forgotten part of karate

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:kaioken: Think about it if you throw a punch and it gets blocked your oppenent knows that your goning to throw the other hand, so instead of wasting energy on a puch that doesnt hit redirect it and hit them, no waste of energy, if you extend the guard but lean back it gives the illiusion of you being close enough to punch but your not and then you can counter if you lean forward you know they will punch you in the face and then you can counter, also look at there stance if there in a postion where they can block let them blck and strike again, ok, ok! :karate:

Death Defying

Training is ment to take you to the limit and the verge of death, and then next time to go over that limit. Keep training and i hope we get to spar sumtime!

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Interestingly enough, Heiho (combat strategy) was a part of Karate training in the pre 1950 era. Apparently both Ohtsuka and Yamazaki emphasized it, as did the Okinawans, like Mabuni, Motobu, Chitose,and Miyagi.


Nowadays it seems to have been reduced to discussions of maai (distancing) and sen (timing).

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Strategy reqires super focus and if my ideas dont work use your own!

Death Defying

Training is ment to take you to the limit and the verge of death, and then next time to go over that limit. Keep training and i hope we get to spar sumtime!

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yeah, uhm, it's called open sparring. You try different things out, and see how people react. If you have trouble, you ask someone for help. You get tactical training all the time (strategy is a different concept).


Strategy is the overall idea of what you want to do. You chose your strategy when you chose your art to study. When you enter a fight, if you are a grappler, your strategy will be "Get in close, take them to the ground, choke them out." This says nothing of actual technique, just general ideas.


Tactics are how you execute a strategy. In the example of the grappler "Front kick oppenents knee to facilitate closing distance. Follow through with jab+reverse punch to close more distance. Extend reverse punch and grab opponent to finally *Get in close*. Front kick to opponents stomach, leave foot in stomach, drop backwards to *take them to the ground*. Roll out, flip opponent onto back using XXX technique, grab opponent in rear-naked choke and *choke them out*."


The items in asterisks, you will notice, are from the strategy outline. Notice how much more detail is in the tactical outline?


The point is, you already know your strategy and you are already working on your tactics.

Arguing with an engineer is like mud wrestling a pig. After a few hours, you realize they both like it.

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Thats is strategy but im trying to get at the big picture not just that! :kaioken: http://www.24fightingchickens.com/shotokan/tactics/index.html That should help!

Death Defying

Training is ment to take you to the limit and the verge of death, and then next time to go over that limit. Keep training and i hope we get to spar sumtime!

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