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question to black belts about kyu tests


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Hi folks!


This is a question to black belt especially to those who kyu tests:


I have experienced that our Kyu tests are very cheap (the lower belts --> up to 8th kyu)


What do you mean? Does anybody get his belt without being well prepared?


I experienced it the last test that some guys got their belts although they did mistake after mistake.


P.S: Is it called kyu test? I do not think so, but I cannot find a better formulation. I hope everybody understands what I mean. Excuse my bad English ;-)


Thank you very much!



Kyokushinkai - 10th Kyu (Beginner)

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The underbelt, colored belt, ranks are called kyu grades. Every successive test becomes more difficult. At the early tests most schools allow a student an opportunity to do a skill or a kata over again if they made a mistake to prove that they know the material.


The higher one rises in rank the more difficult the test. The higer the rank of the test the fewer mistakes, bad stances and the like are tolerated. At that point if people are passing tests with lots of mistakes I would find another school.

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Sai is correct. As you go up in kyu's/gup's the performance standard gets tougher. You must also remember that your best is not the same as someone elses best and each student should be evaluated as an individual with his/her strengths and weaknesses coming into play. It is not always about how well you kick and punch but rather what kind of person you are and how hard you try. Additionally, physically development and coordination are different at different stages of growth and must also be taken into consideration when grading.



"A Black Belt is only the beginning."

Heidi-A student of the arts

Tae Kwon Do,Shotokan,Ju Jitsu,Modern Arnis


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at the lower levels i allow the students to make some mistakes as long as they know what they are doing, their form may be sloppy but we will work on that, once they enter the intermediate stage i am critical on stances, angles, skill, speed, and power, everything is analysed closely, only a few very small mistakes are allowed, if you forget a kata, then we will see you next testing, sorry, and advanced and black belt testings, everything and i mean every tiny thing must be perfect, and we look close, we don't want everyone and their cousin to earn a black belt with out proper dedication and skill. I test the same way that my instructors test, so i hope this helps you some.

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