Metsubushi Posted September 20, 2003 Posted September 20, 2003 beer is bad even thou ia m underage for it iwoudnt drink it even if i was goin soemwhere with my m8s
Sens55 Posted September 21, 2003 Posted September 21, 2003 I enjoy good beer regularly. I don't drink for effect, but I just enjoy beer. I was raised on it, and it's my beverage of choice for most occasions. Besides, I never trust someone who's too uptight to imbibe once in a while. By the same token, I don't enjoy being around people who cannot control their liquor. Drunks are jerks, period. In moderation, it's no big deal.
Budderfly Posted September 22, 2003 Posted September 22, 2003 2-3 times a year. Christmas, New Years and birthdays usually.
alanseijas Posted September 29, 2003 Posted September 29, 2003 I drink EVERY night. I LOVE my vodka. I buy the cheap stuff ($15 for the big bottle), and I'm through it in 3 days. The first thing I do when I get home is hug my kids, and a close second is straight to my glass. I never drink before going to the dojo, but I start as soon as I get home. I am an alcoholic, and I know it. I don't get hostile, I remember everything, I don't get hung over, I don't say stupid stuff; I just ENJOY it. Excessive you say? I agree. I just went to the doctor today for a full physical. I lost 70 pounds since January, and thought I should get checked out. My doc told me to eat more, and drink less. My blood pressure is high, and she said slow down on the booze. How can I do that? I mean really---- How am I going to do that? How am I going to do that???????????? The patch or crest worn by Isshinryu karateka often raises admiration and curiosity. The patch is based on a day dream Tatsuo Shimabuku had in the fifties while he was creating his karate style. This dream was the missing piece in the puzzle called Isshinryu. The patch is often incorrectly called Mizu Gami, which means 'water goddess'. Originally the Isshinryu emblem was called 'Isshinryu No Megami', which means 'Goddess of Isshinryu'. The goddess is the Goddess of Isshinryu karate and not the goddess of water.
CPU Posted October 1, 2003 Posted October 1, 2003 I never drink.... i don't think i want to ether, to many concerns Sparring - loved by many perfected by few
karatekid1975 Posted October 2, 2003 Posted October 2, 2003 Raises her beer and makes a toast with alanseijas and Valithor hehehehehehe .... Ok that was bad. I'll go to the corner and drink my beer LOL. j/k Laurie F
alanseijas Posted October 2, 2003 Posted October 2, 2003 Maybe I'll switch to scotch. My father in law drinks that stuff like a fish, and he's healthy. He swears that I'll be better off changing. HHUUMMMM...... The patch or crest worn by Isshinryu karateka often raises admiration and curiosity. The patch is based on a day dream Tatsuo Shimabuku had in the fifties while he was creating his karate style. This dream was the missing piece in the puzzle called Isshinryu. The patch is often incorrectly called Mizu Gami, which means 'water goddess'. Originally the Isshinryu emblem was called 'Isshinryu No Megami', which means 'Goddess of Isshinryu'. The goddess is the Goddess of Isshinryu karate and not the goddess of water.
ZR440 Posted October 2, 2003 Posted October 2, 2003 I still can't figure out if I like single malts or not. It's happy hour somewhere in the world.
Cybren Posted October 20, 2003 Posted October 20, 2003 Quote Why drink at all? Come on! People who don't drink are like people who abstain from sex, religion or the martial arts --- They are missing out! Wait, I abstain from sex, and religion, but I practice "martial arts" (though I dislike the term, as it would imply that I practice it in order to be used for warfare, or suggests that I'm a navy seal or something). I don't drink beacuse I'm a health freak.
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