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Kind of a negative effect.

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I notice that with all these mixed martial arts in the atmosphere it's rather easy to criticise one of them, and probably have a negative effect one someone aspiring to do that art.


A lot of the art bashing stuff is directed towards arts that aren't grappling. I've heard a lot of bashing thrown at karate. This had a somewhate negative effect on me when I started trainging because I had the though in my head "Well this person said so and so is better" instead of just doing the art and learning as much of it I can.


I think all the art bashing here needs to stop. Like completley. I'm not saying hta if someone says "What are the pros and cons of karate" or "muay thai or karate" to just say they're both equally good, but atleast form something other than "muay tahi would kick the crap out of karate" or "muay thai is no match for karate".

White Belt- Shudokan Karate

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You should do the things you choose to do, and in your case karate. Don't put too much thought or stock on which martial arts is better because in the end it's up to the individual. Plus, you may think your a BA in whatever martial arts, but there's always someone out there that'll be better, faster, stronger, or carrying a .45Cal.


Do what makes you happy and want to give it all your effort :) .


Mind of Mencia

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We are working on stopping the bashing here. I surely don't tolerate it. I stopped going to some forums because that's all they do, and I'm sick of it. This one is more open-minded than most forums. We do get the "trolls" but we try to put a stop to them right away.

Laurie F

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Don't let other peoples opinions stop you from doing anything.


agreed. there is a lot bashing of karate u say... my brother just decided to begin with shotokan. there is even more bashing of TKD. guess what i am going to begin asap? :karate:


on the other hand, i dont think it'd be better to call one MA the best of them all, because bashing is "not allowed". though people who critize should have attended class before they open their mouth. otherwise it is likely to happen that they do not improve silence by their talking.

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People who bash other arts probably don't know anything about the art they are bashing anyway, so don't take it seriously. These people think they've found the answer to MA, but they haven't. I say do what you feels right for you, because only you know what feels right. Let them think what they want, you keep training.

"It is easier to find men who will volunteer to die, than to find those who

are willing to endure pain with patience."

"Lock em out or Knock em out"

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When somebody bashes karate and says *insert MA here* is better I simply go and check it out for myself. A lot of people have said that MT is the best stand up, so I'm going out to try it. I'm not going to quit my karate, and I always try to ignore the bashing threads except for the suggestion.
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The only person that can stop you training in what you train in is YOU. This only shows a weakness in character that Karate should help you with.


As for grappling, grappling is very important as a range of fighting, possibly more so than some others (ie kicking IMHO). This is a weakness in so many styles, its important that you admitt that a Karateka is not going to be able to go toe toe grappling with a Judoka or BJJer. So you either learn how to avoid those ranges or you learn to fight in them. Either way I think you should do some grappling.

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